"Much more," she whispered faintly, coming to her feet as Ian stood at his desk.
Tehya was free, now placed behind Antoli who stood ready, arms outstretched and braced, as he covered the bodyguards. Tehya held the backup weapon Ian had given her, covering the two men as well.
"Quite interesting." Joseph's lips twisted in disgust. "I must admit, Mr. Fuentes, I expected you to keep your word. One man apiece, was that not the agreement?"
"I lied." Ian shrugged easily. "As, it appears, you did as well."
Joseph frowned. "My profile for you did not take into account the influence of your father, perhaps. The conclusions I drew suggested you would keep to your bargain, as your word has always held true. Until now."
"Extreme situations, extreme measures." Ian smiled. "Some things are just worth lying for. Check his back, Deke, let's make sure we have Sorrell before this goes any further."
Trevor jerked the terrorist's arms behind his back, flattening him against the wall beside them as Deke jerked his jacket up. They relieved him of his weapons first, then tugged the edge of his belted slacks down just enough to glimpse the incriminating birthmark. The form of a crude scythe could be seen, perhaps two inches tall, from across the room.
"It's natural," Deke snapped. "We have him."
At that moment the lights snapped off, gunfire erupted outside, and all hell broke loose inside.
Kira scrambled across the room, kicking her shoes off and going low to reach Tehya.
"Weapon," she snapped, reaching for Antoli as gunfire blazed in the room.
A handgun slapped into her hand as Antoli threw Tehya her way.
"Get her the hell out of here," he snarled.
"Kira." Ian's voice yelled through the chaos.
"Clear," she yelled back, pulling Tehya across the floor as bullets ripped into the area they had just been in.
"Stay put!" Ian reached Kira, jerking Kira behind the heavy desk that had been reinforced along the insides with thick metal that evening. Once securing her, Ian crouched and made his way through the darkened room.
The war zone outside and inside blasted through Kira's head as she reached out to grab Tehya and shoved her beneath the desk.
"Listen to me." Kira turned to Tehya, grabbing her shoulder with her free hand and shaking it as Tehya tried to crawl from beneath the desk. "Every Sorrell soldier out there is looking for you, and they will take you. Stay here. Don't fucking move. It's the only way you'll be safe."
"I'll only be safe if he's dead," Tehya snarled back, fury tearing at her voice. "He knew what he was doing here. He meant to kill all of you."
"And he still might if you mess this up," Kira snapped back. "We suspected this. Stay in place. Don't move, Tehya. Swear it to me or I swear to God I'll knock you out myself."
The darkness of the room was almost absolute, the sound of gunfire inside the house and outside a shock to the senses.
Kira nodded shortly before crouching and making her way to the edge of the desk to peer around it.
There was a body stretched out by the door. For a moment, Kira's heart leapt in her chest in fear before she realized it was an unfamiliar form, likely one of Sorrell's soldiers that had moved in close. Blood flowed from beneath him, puddling on the expensive marble of the foyer, and onto the hardwood just inside the office.
A minute amount of moonlight came from the living room and solarium across the foyer as rapid bursts of gunfire continued outside.
Kira glanced back at where Tehya sat, her wild green eyes gleaming with murderous rage. Controlling her wasn't going to be easy, and the danger had just intensified. Kira couldn't move into the fight and she couldn't afford to attempt to get Tehya to a more secure location.
She ducked back behind the desk and scooted in beside the other girl. They both stared straight ahead, weapons held ready.
"Are we pussies or what?" Tehya suddenly hissed.
Kira glanced over at her. "Last time I looked I had one," she informed her, then cursed as bullets ripped through the window across the room and shattered through the wood of the desk.
The heavy steel encasing three sides of the desk pinged and shuddered.
"Fuck!" Tehya breathed roughly. "Do you really want to play the helpless female like this?"