Lives had been destroyed because of Diego. He saw the life he lived as a game, an amusing pastime where he made the rules and he directed the players; that would never stop.

Teenagers had died because of whore's dust. He had made millions off the underground rape videos his men had made using the drug. Innocent women had committed suicide, or lived with the knowledge that their greatest pain was being salivated over by distant watchers.

He had tortured Nathan, tortured him, found pleasure in the battle the other man had fought to stay true to his marriage vows.

He was a monster. It didn't matter that the monster loved his son, because even that would be twisted, used, and would ultimately destroy Ian.

Walking away wasn't an option for Ian. He would know he'd had the chance to stop the horror and hadn't taken it and it would destroy him in ways that killing Diego never could.

"I have your back." She finally whispered the promise, the vow. "No matter what you do, Ian. I have your back."

The brooding pain in his gaze slowly eased away, his eyes becoming flat, hard. This was the cartel heir, the man who had proved he was strong enough, merciless enough, to hold the reins of the Fuentes cartel. All she could think was that DHS was damned lucky he was on their side, rather than the enemy's.

He finally nodded in turn before walking to the dresser. Drawing the Glock from the upper drawer, he pushed it into the back of his jeans then collected the extra clips of ammo.

"He and his bodyguard will be armed," he told her. "Handguns only. Tehya's weapon will be Velcroed to the small of her back, and Antoli will be carrying several weapons. When things go to hell make certain you're in position to either take the weapon from Sorrell's bodyguard or to collect one from Antoli. His job is to protect Tehya above everything else; that leaves me and you to watch each other's backs.

"Durango team and teams four and eight will converge on the estate after Sorrell is inside. They have to take out any forces that follow behind Sorrell before they can move in to help us. We'll be on our own in that room, Kira, don't kid yourself about that." His gaze bored into hers. "We have to keep Tehya safe, as well as ourselves, until Reno and the team can get to us. Understood?"

She nodded sharply.

"Let's go then." He breathed in roughly. "Reno and Macey will have Tehya here within minutes and we're only hours from Sorrell's arrival. We can expect him—"

"—to be either late or early but never on time," Kira finished for him. "When he shows the birthmark, check it closely, then check his bodyguard for one. He's not above a switch. Make him speak to Tehya to confirm voice identification and pay attention to the bodyguard's body language as well as Sorrell's. Above all things, remember Sorrell has stayed unidentified to this point for a reason. How did I do?" She flashed him a knowing smile.

"Dangerously efficient." The smile he gave in turn was easier, more confident. "Let's get this done. I think I've had enough of Aruba. I'm eager to get home."

"Ian." She caught his arm as he moved to turn toward the door. "There's something you don't know."

His expression closed. As though he did know, as though he had been waiting, watching. She felt her throat tighten, knowing she had to tell him the truth about Diego and DHS. She didn't have a choice. She couldn't let him kill without the facts.

"About Diego?" he asked harshly.

"There's more to this than you know."

"Don't." His voice cut like a knife. "I don't want to know."

She stared at him in surprise. "Ian, you have to hear this."


"There won't be time later. It'll be too late," she gritted out.

She could see the suspicion in his eyes, and knew he was aware that things weren't as they seemed. That Diego had escaped justice all these years for a reason.

"You know," she whispered.

"That Diego plays games with DHS?" he asked, a bitter, mocking curve curling his lips. "I know."

"And you didn't say anything to me?"

"You didn't say anything to me either, Kira," he reminded her as she loosened her hold on him. "I've always suspected it. We were pulled out of the game when Nathan went missing, given strict orders not to kill Diego when we went after the senator's girls. Every time we've struck against him, we were hampered, our hands tied. I knew he was in bed with those bastards."

"There's a reason." She licked her lips nervously. "It's not just a game with DHS."

"Of course it is." Bitterness filled his voice. "Doesn't matter the reason for it, it's still a game."

He reached out and touched her cheek, running the backs of his fingers over it. "That's why you came here, wasn't it? To protect Diego."