“And Kellian Krieger.” Catherine turned to Kell, her catlike smile grating on Emily’s nerves then as her gaze flickered over Kell’s chest and thighs. The witch. She was coming on to him and Emily didn’t like it in the least.
“Mrs. Andover.” Kell accepted her hand before lifting it and brushing a gentlemanly kiss across her knuckles. “It’s a pleasure.”
“It’s been too long since we’ve seen you, Kell.” She sighed. “You don’t attend enough of the little events we’re invited to.”
“I’ve been busy.” Kell’s voice was cool.
“Ah yes.” Catherine’s smile curled with a hint of maliciousness. “The Krieger heir risking his neck as a SEAL. It’s a shame.”
“If you’ll excuse us, Catherine.” Emily curled her fingers around Kell’s arm. “I see some friends I’d like to talk to.”
She drew Kell away from their host and hostess, aware of the tension in his body.
“You know them?” she asked, keeping her voice low.
“Friends of the Beaulaines and Kriegers.” His voice was cold, scathing. She had a feeling that wasn’t a compliment where he was concerned.
“So you come to the parties often?” she asked as they moved into the large ballroom.
“Sometimes.” He was in SEAL mode. Tense, prepared.
“Are you this relaxed at all of them?”
He dipped his head closer to hers. “No, I’m usually holding up the wall and cussing Reno for making me accept the invitation.”
“Hmm, yes, I should have made a point to attend more parties.” She nodded as she let a smile pull at her lips. “I would have shown you how it’s done.”
“And how’s it done?” There was no accent now, but his voice still had the power to make her stomach clench in warning arousal.
“You don’t hold up the walls, you hold up the trees in the gardens.” She snickered. “They’re easier to hide within.”
His hand tightened at her hip, but as she glanced up, she saw the smile that tugged at his lips.
“I could have helped you hold up the trees,” he murmured as they began to make their way through the crowd. “Though, to be honest, had we been caught, we could have been arrested.”
“I doubt it,” Emily whispered in reply. “I watched a lot of shadowy freak shows in those gardens, Kell. No one ever got caught.”
He rubbed his hand along the back of his neck as he stared at her in surprise. “God, you terrify me. You’re not supposed to watch.”
At that, Emily stopped and stared up at him with an expression of such false innocence that he only shook his head.
“Remind me to spank you.”
Emily sighed. “I keep being bad and you never take the hint. Do I need to take out an advertisement?”
She loved the way his eyes darkened at that, the way they roved over her face, her breasts, then moved back to meet hers with wicked intent.
“I won’t forget again.”
“Kell Krieger!” Disbelief filled the feminine squeal that came from Kell’s right. Emily felt him stiffen again, watched his gaze turned cold just before he turned to greet one of the few people Emily actually detested.
Tabby Deaton.
“Kell. Oh, my God, it’s been too long.”
Emily stared at the designer original evening gown slit nearly to the top of Tabby’s thighs and riding low on her obviously fake breasts. Emily heard Tabby had gotten a boob job, she just hadn’t believed it.
Tabby’s dark hair flowed around her shoulders and framed her pale face and glistening red lips. Plump red lips. Damn. Tabby had had her lips done too.