“Oh God. Kell. No.” Her nails dug into his chest as he fumbled for the condom he had laid on the bedside table and quickly sheathed his raging erection.

“Easy there, chère,” he groaned hoarsely. “Hold for me, jolie, eh. I’ll give us both more, bébé.”

He fit the wide crest against the entrance to her pussy, paused, then began to push inside her with a slow, agonizingly rapturous thrust. He impaled her by degrees, ignoring her cries, ignoring his own violent need.

His expression was consumed with lust. Emily forced herself to watch him, forced her eyes open. She didn’t want to forget a moment of it. She wanted the memory with her forever.

This was the part of Kell he kept so carefully hidden. His large body flexing, his thrusts driving deep inside her, his eyes gazing back at her in a surfeit of emotion and hunger. His eyes glittered, deep, dark, an emerald gree

n so intense they glowed within his sun-darkened face and the midnight shadow of a beard.

As she gazed down at him, her breathing came sharp and irregular from the pleasure of the thrusts inside her. The burning pleasure, the building tension in her womb, the rake of his pelvis against the tight knot of her clit. The sensations inflamed her, consumed her.

“So silky and hot,” he whispered, staring up at her, his voice guttural. “I can feel your pussy stroking me, Emily. Tightening on me. So tight and liquid hot I could burn inside you.”

His rough tone had her womb clenching.

“You like this, eh?” he asked her with a tight smile. “Hearing what you do to me. Knowing you can burn my soul to ashes.”

His voice. Oh God, his voice destroyed her even as the hard thrusts inside her stroked her closer to orgasm.

“Feel this, Emily.” He surged inside her, paused, held still as his cock throbbed within the clenching heat of her pussy. “Feel what you do to me, bébé. Even sheathed in a condom I feel your sweet heat, chère. The clench of your pussy—” He groaned then, jerked and thrust deeper inside her. “Sweet heaven. Save me.”

Before she could stop him he rolled her to her back, his arms coming beneath her shoulders as he held her to him, his hard body surrounding her, securing her before he began pounding inside her. Desperately. Working his cock in quick, hard strokes as she felt the explosions begin to tear through her.

She was taken. Overwhelmed. She was lost within the inferno of his possession and within seconds arching against his thrusts as her orgasm unraveled inside her.

Radiant heat poured through her veins as she screamed his name, her arms wrapped around his back, her thighs clasping his as he stiffened above her and began to shudder with his own release.

“Love you, Emily.” The declaration was no more than a breath amid her wails of ecstasy, whispered at her ear, tearing into her soul.

They were dragged from him unbidden, pushing from within his soul, and all the more precious for the fact that she could feel his control weakening even as she felt his cock jerking in release inside her.

He wasn’t ready to give her his emotions freely. Not yet. As she held him to her, feeling his sweat-slick flesh rippling beneath the tension in his shoulders, she knew he wasn’t ready to face the emotions.

He was so strong. So sure. Always so certain, but she was learning that Kell didn’t deal well with a perceived weakness. And he perceived his emotions for her as a weakness. A risk.

“I love you, Kell,” she whispered tearfully against his chest, knowing he owned not just her heart but her soul. He filled her. He completed her. “I love you so much.”

Emily tried to catch her breath as her legs slid from Kell’s thighs and her arms loosened their death grip. Her heart was racing out of control, her own emotions in chaos, as he slowly eased from her and rolled to her side.

“You’re going to kill me,” he growled as he fought to catch his own breath. But his arm still came around her as she moved to drape herself across his chest. And that took effort, because her muscles were still mush.

Instantly, his warmth, his vitality, wrapped around her. Strength. Determination. He was such a powerful force that she wondered how he managed to maintain the control over himself that he did.

Or perhaps it was his control, the very essence of who he was, that created that vitality. Some men were naturally restrained. Strong, arrogant, determined men. Men who knew their strength and understood their own limits.

Kell had known the horrifying realization that he wasn’t Superman. That sometimes the odds were against him, and he had learned at a very young age the fatal results of being on the wrong side of the odds.

The odds had to be with them, she prayed as he pulled her against his chest and surrounded her with the warmth and strength of his body. They had to be, because God help her if she lost him.


IT WAS LATE WHEN KELL and Emily left the bed to head to the kitchen for a late dinner. As Emily turned on the low living room lights and moved into the kitchen, AC/DC’s “Hells Bells” sounded from Kell’s cell phone, drawing a smile from her lips.

She should have guessed the dark, hard lyrics and music of that particular group would appeal to Kell. Though she knew his music tastes were eclectic, simply because of the CDs he carried in the Bronco parked in the driveway.

“Come on over then. Use the patio entrance and try not to create a damned traffic jam,” she heard Kell mutter. “This is insane.”