“It would be interesting to find out.” Emily nodded. “I might look like a marshmallow, but I’ve been taking some self-defense lessons.”

“Research huh?” Kira was laughing.

“Gator Jack’s Roundhouse.” She loved Gator Jack, mud wrestling, and gutter fighting. She’d learned quite a bit over the last few years while sneaking in there between bodyguards.

Okay, she might not be able to take a Homeland agent in a face-to-face fight, but there was a chance she could break a hold, and she knew how to run really fast.

“You’re scary,” Kira murmured. “Your father has no idea how scary you are.”

“Neither does Kell.” Emily smiled in satisfaction. “He got turned on by the holstered gun and knife garters though.”

Satisfaction edged through her at the memory of that one.

“Speaking of your hard body,” Kira drawled. “Why’s he mad?”

“He forgot to use a condom last night.” Emily frowned up at the ceiling. That had to be the problem.

“Did you remind him?”

“He reminded me. And I didn’t care.” She frowned at that. “Maybe I was supposed to care?”

She turned her head and stared into Kira’s surprised expression.

“Krieger did it without protection?” she fairly whispered. “That’s damned surprising. I

’ve read his file and I did some light investigating when I heard Durango Team would be on this op. He’s a fanatic about protection. Paranoid about it.”

“Uh-huh,” Emily murmured, with a sharp sigh of agreement as she turned back to her perusal of the ceiling.

“Wow.” Kira shifted on the bed, still watching her. “So, we’re still friends, huh?”

“No.” Emily shook her head. “I hate skinny bitches. I keep telling you that.”

A snort of laughter left the other woman. “And I hate curvy little pocket Venuses, but I put up with your rounded ass.”

“Bite me.”

“Not even on a dare. You might enjoy it.”

They were giggling like teenagers when the bedroom door opened and Kell stood framed in the doorway, staring at them both with a heavy frown.

“If you two can tear yourselves off the bed, Ian’s here. We need to go over plans for the next three days and get ready for the Andover party.”

“See?” Emily muttered. “Frostbite.”

Kira sighed in commiseration. “I had hopes for ya, girlfriend.”

“So did I. So did I.”

HE WAS FURIOUS WITH HIMSELF. Furious with Emily, and fighting back the need to do a little private hunting. The type of hunting that found a SEAL with a sniper rifle and Diego Fuentes’s forehead in his sights. Fuentes and his unknown fucking spy. God help the bastard if Macey ever figured out who he was, because Kell swore he was going to gut him himself.

He enforced his self-control, restrained the need to shift, to stretch the muscles that seemed to itch for action beneath his flesh, and to use the erection torturing him.

Use it on one stubborn, independent, willful little redheaded fox who was close to driving him insane.

God, he felt sorry for the bodyguards who came before him. Those men must have spent untold hours packing heat and fighting to keep up with Emily all at once. It just wasn’t possible.

She was like the wind. Wild. Free. Her presence caressed his flesh even when she wasn’t touching him and that was damned dangerous. Especially now.