“Because I thought it best to accept my near escape while I had the chance.”

His eyes darkened with amusement as his lips quirked. Powerful arms crossed over his chest as he watched her intently, refusing to let her ignore the lust that filled his expression.

“ ‘Near escape.’ That’s an interesting way of putting it.”

“You weren’t even wearing a condom,” she ground out.

“I wasn’t wearing one when I had my cock buried to your throat either,” he reminded her. “That didn’t stop you.”

His response only fanned the flames of the anger brimming inside her. He was working her. Controlling her. She could feel it, just as she always felt her father doing it.

“That won’t get me pregnant either. What are you trying to do, Kell? Get into Daddy’s good graces by knocking me up and giving him the son-in-law he wants? Have you decided the Stanton money and power might be enough incentive?”

“I don’t need your daddy’s money, sweet pea,” he said with a smirk. The self-satisfied smile shouldn’t have made her heart race faster and it sure as hell shouldn’t make her remember what his kiss felt like. “And knocking you up isn’t exactly my game plan. Getting you hot and wet and full of me is all that matters at this point.”

She nearly gaped at him. Blinked.

“You dog!”

His eyes gleamed back at her, filled with laughter and lust as he lazily scratched his cheek.

“I’m not a dog,” he assured her. “I promise, not just any woman will do, Emily Paige. I’ve decided I’m gonna get in your pants before this mission is over. And I’m going to make damned sure I get in there hard enough and deep enough that you never forget

I was there.”

Emily gasped. “You’re crazy.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve heard that accusation,” he assured her, his expression supremely confident.

She had to fight to keep from curling her fingers into a fist. To keep her foot on the floor instead of slamming it into his shin.

“You are a pain in the ass!” she snapped.

“Not yet.” He winked. “But give me time, sugar, and I’ll get there. But while you’re thinking about it, see if you can’t get your little bag packed for our trip tomorrow. And remember to pack light, those Navy helicopters we’re hitching a ride on don’t always have a lot of spare room.”

She was right, Kell admitted as he watched her expression turn from shock to amazement, he was insane. He should be running from this woman as hard and as fast as possible. Instead, he was standing here, staring down at her, watching the flames of anger simmer in her blue eyes as the temper he had been waiting for began to rise to the surface.

That red hair was hiding a hellion and he knew it. He shouldn’t be encouraging her—hellions could be dangerous—but damn if he wasn’t anticipating the fireworks.

“Do you know what I really, really hate about SEALs?” She suddenly snarled, eyes narrowing, a little quiver of anger working over her body.

Kell arched a brow mockingly. “We’re always right?”

“You are always so damned egotistical. You think you’re so right. So in control. You think the whole freakin’ world revolves around you, don’t you, Kell?”

“This one does,” he amended. He made certain of it. “It’s called training, sweet pea.”

He didn’t expect the flash of hurt in her eyes when he said that.

“Yes, it’s called training,” she bit out. “It’s called being free, Kell. It’s called being given control.”

“You want control, Emily?” He shook his head. “I don’t think it’s something you want. Because if you wanted it, you would have taken it years ago. Let me clue you in on SEALs, baby. We know how to read strength, but we also know how to read weakness. If your daddy controls you, then it’s only because it’s what you wanted. You want control? Then show him who the boss is. Be a woman who can back down a SEAL, sugar, and he’ll give you the respect you’re looking for.”

Emily stared back at him in shock. He had no idea what went on with her and her father.

“You do not understand—”

“I don’t have to understand, only you do.” He shook his head firmly. “You’re woman enough to stand up to any SEAL. Just because it’s not what your daddy wants doesn’t mean you can’t have it.”