“So, he relieved you of that nasty virginity problem you had without so much as a love bite? He should be congratulated.”

Emily choked on her coffee, nearly spewing it in Kira’s amused face as she stared back at her friend in horror. Oh God, she was going to kill Kira. She was going to string her up. She was going to lock her front door and never, ever allow the other woman in her home again. At least, not until Kell Krieger was gone.

She felt mortification sweep through her, burning beneath her cheeks before spreading over the rest of her face.

There wasn’t a chance in hell that Kell hadn’t heard that one.

“Maybe I prefer my love bites to be hidden, Ms. Porter.” His voice sounded behind them, calm, controlled, displeased. “And I never considered Emily’s virginity to be a nasty little problem.”

Emily propped her hands on the table, covered her face, and felt like sinking into the cement beneath her.

“I do not need you out here.” She gritted her teeth as she forced her hands down and turned her head to glare at him.

The corner of his lips kicked up in a grin, his green eyes sweeping over her as though he owned her body and knew every inch of it better than she did herself.

He leaned casually against the doorframe, staring down at her with mocking arrogance and amusement. “We need to go to the grocery store, sugar,” he told her as though she didn’t already know that. “Those cinnamon rolls only last so long and then I’m going to need food. Takes energy to keep up with you.”

Kira snorted. Emily felt like snarling.

“I’ll excuse myself then.” Kira straightened from the chair, sleek tanned skin revealed by the low-cut camisole top she wore and snug low-rise white shorts.

She looked like a sex goddess rising from a pedestal and deigning to give mere mortals the briefest glimpse of her perfectly flat stomach.

Emily reminded herself that she hated skinny women. Sitting there, still dressed in the loose sleep shirt and cotton leggings she wore in bed, she felt like a frump.

Her hair was barely brushed, she was makeup free, and she felt like she had wrestled her bed all night long. She’d just wrestled the blankets and her own arousal instead.

“Show up a little later tomorrow morning, Kira,” Emily asked as she rose from her own chair, determined to ignore her lack of polish and less than glamorous effect in doing so.

“She might be busy,” Kell murmured.

“Uh-huh.” Kira’s snicker wasn’t in the least cruel. It was good-natured, but that didn’t detract from the disbelief in it. “It always amazes me how Emily manages to draw her bodyguards into whatever scheme she decides to set up.?

? Her gaze went over Kell. “But I have to admit, she did very well this time.”

“Go to hell, Kira.” It wasn’t the first time she had consigned her friend to those fiery depths.

“They’re tired of me there.” Kira laughed. “I think I’ll head out shopping instead. Uncle Big Bucks sent me a gift card for my birthday and I intend to put it to very good use.”

Kira’s uncle kept her in gift cards, vehicles, and a round of invitations to the best parties. The other woman was the slightest bit spoiled, but good-natured. The problem with Kira was that she never let Emily get away with even the smallest lie. She seemed to see right through her.

Emily followed her friend through the house and watched as she left, giving her a jaunty wave before she turned slowly to Kell as he closed the patio doors.

“This is so not going to work,” she snapped. “People know me, Kell. I don’t lie worth shit and Daddy knows it. Now you know it. Revise your little game plan and figure out how to fix it.”

“I’m getting a little tired of people telling me to fix their problems,” he grunted, his gaze brooding as he stared back at her. “Why didn’t you tell me before this that you were a virgin?”

She was going to burn to ash she was blushing so much. Emily glared back at him as she ground her molars in frustration.

“Because it’s none of your business?” she questioned him sweetly.

“Everything you do is now my business,” he informed her. “Get used to it. Now, let’s see what we have to do to convince your very suspicious friend that I’m already making a meal of your delightful little body.”

Instant melting.

Oh God, she hated instant melting. But she could feel it, feel the heat that slammed instantly into her womb, burning into her pussy then her clit, swelling them, sending moisture to saturate another pair of panties.

His expression instantly became darker, dangerous, sensual.