He leaned forward, his lips touching her brow in the faintest caress before he straightened and left the room. He moved quickly down the hall. He had wasted enough time, he had a meeting to keep.

As the elevator doors opened, he came face-to-face with Macey.

The other man was leaning against the back wall, his brown gaze brooding as Ian stepped into the elevator.

“You getting out?” He held the elevator doors open, praying Macey was there to check on Kira.

“Naw. I came to see you.” Macey crossed his arms over his chest and stared back at him.

Shit. He let the doors close


“I traced that last message,” Macey said. “It took a while. Almost two years, but I finally found you. You’re Judas.”

Ian stared at the elevator doors.

“Tell me what the fuck is going on, Ian. We’re buddies, man. Help me out here.”

Ian shoved his hands into his pockets. “Let it go, Macey.”

“I can’t let it go. Judas is one of Fuentes’s men. We know that. I just traced his fucking e-mails back to you. Tell me it was a mistake. Tell me something, goddammit.”

“It wasn’t a mistake.”

Diego Fuentes’s plane was waiting for him at the airport. A private plane sent to fly him to his father. Hell, it wasn’t supposed to end like this. Fuentes wasn’t supposed to ever learn he had a son. It was a promise Diego’s father had made to Ian’s mother when she left. That Diego would never know she was pregnant. For some unfathomable reason the old man had wanted to save her from Diego.

“Did you betray us too, Ian?” Macey asked then.

Ian grimaced. Hell no. He had never betrayed his country. He would never betray his friends.

“Lieutenant Richards, I asked you a fucking question,” Macey snarled.

Ian turned and faced him slowly. “Fuentes.”


“Ian Richard Fuentes. He’s my father.”

Ian took advantage of the elevator doors opening and stepped free, his gaze locked on Macey’s face. On the betrayal in his friend’s eyes, the fury building in his face.

He had just made an enemy. The first of many.

Read on for an excerpt

from the next book by Lora Leigh

Killer Secrets

Coming soon from St. Martin’s Paperbacks

Killer Secrets

HE WAS THERE. She knew he was.

The moment Kira stepped out of the elevator she knew Ian was waiting in her room. Her nipples peaked against the thin leather covering them.

It wasn’t any particular premonition. It was the bodyguard leaning casually against the wall several feet from her door.