“That wasn’t the deal,” Jansen snapped.
Diego shrugged once again. “Her willingness to be raped by you gains me nothing. Do not push your luck, my friend, I believe there are other matters you need my agreement on as well.”
Emily felt the icy terror as it began to spread through her body. They were actually going through with this. Jansen was going to destroy them all without a twinge of regret.
“Kell will kill you, Jansen,” she whispered hoarsely. “You know him. You know he will.”
“He’ll never find you, Emily.” He smiled gently. “I truly covered my tracks this time, my dear. There’s no way he even suspects where you are.”
“He won’t stop looking.” Raw grief overwhelmed her, swamping her emotions, her soul. God, to lose him like this. To know that when he did find her, she would likely be so damaged that it wouldn’t matter. As Nathan had proved, a mind could bear only so much horror.
“He may never stop looking, but his search will be in vain.” His voice was gentle, his expression almost tender. God, he was so sick. There was something so twisted about him that he went beyond evil.
“Diego, you can inject our reluctant SEAL now. Let’s see if your new dosage is actually accurate.”
“No!” Emily jumped from the cot as Jansen turned to leave the room. “You can’t do this, Jansen.”
Rage was beating through her brain, whipping through her bloodstream, as her fist collided with his head. She hadn’t meant to hit him. She had meant to plead. To beg.
“You little
Pain resounded through her head as his fist collided with it, throwing her back as she heard a roar from the corner of the room. Emily bounced against the wall before slumping to the floor.
“You will not do that again, Emily.” Hard hands gripped her arms, lifting her from the floor and throwing her back to the cot as lights danced around her and an eerie buzzing filled her head. “The next time, I’ll rape you myself.”
Fury filled Jansen’s voice as Emily fought to right herself, to force her eyes to focus on his enraged face.
“I’d rather die,” she snarled, her voice rough, trembling from the dizzying sway of her senses. “I would kill myself first.”
“Whore’s Dust will change your mind,” he snapped. “I saw the tapes of your detox, Emily. I saw how you screamed, how you begged to be fucked. They had to tie you down.”
She tasted blood in her mouth and felt the numbness at the side of her face as she finally focused fully on him.
“And I’ll scream Kell’s name,” she whispered raggedly, gloatingly. “Just as I did then. Imagine that one, Jansen. Jack off to it if you have to. You might force me to accept you, but it will always be Kell’s name on my lips.”
He snapped back from her, breathing roughly, his handsome face flushed with anger.
“Double that bastard’s dose.” He flicked his fingers toward Nathan. “I want him to hurt her. I want Kell Krieger to see his best friend tearing her up.” He shot her a triumphant smile. “Scream Kell’s name now, Emily, while his brother in arms fucks you silly.”
He swept from the cell as the soldiers converged on Nathan, syringe in hand, and held him down. He wasn’t screaming, he was growling, snarling. Enraged animalistic sounds tore from his throat as they jabbed the needle into his arm and sent the diabolical drug into his body.
Emily collapsed on the cot as the cell door slammed shut and the key turned in the lock again.
“Well. Thanks there, Emily,” Nathan said. “I believe they may have indeed given me a double dose.”
Emily opened her eyes to stare back at him. “How long do we have, do you think?”
She had seen the videos as well, and knew the horrible, enraged lust she had experienced. How much worse would it be for him?
“Hell if I know.” He fell back against the wall behind him. One second he was crouched on the floor, the next he was pushing himself closer to the wall. “Sometimes a few hours, sometimes a few minutes. They’ve been playing with the dosage and the strength. Maybe this one will kill me.”
If possible, his eyes were brighter, glowing, eerie in the dim light of the room as his hands scraped at the side of the wall.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered tearfully. “I’m so sorry.”
“Kell won’t get here in time.” He grimaced. “There’s no way he will get here in time. Ah God. I can’t do this.”