“I see you’ve survived Diego’s heavy-handed guards once again,” he said as he tucked his hands in the pockets of his slacks and watched her closely. “Your cheek is going to bruise. Did you try to fight them when you woke on the plane?”
Emily lifted her hand to her cheek, only then realizing it was sore. She had fought them. Now she remembered waking up for a short time, just before they had loaded her onto the plane, and she had fought like a demented animal. If she wasn’t mistaken, one of the guards was wearing her claw marks on his face. She didn’t answer Jansen though, she merely glared back silently.
His lips quirked as he glanced around the rough cell.
“Your accommodations are better this time. I made certain of it.” His gaze fell on Nathan in the corner. “We even made certain you had some company.”
The sound that came from Nathan’s throat was a frightening one. A low rumble, a promise of retribution. Jansen grimaced, turning back to Emily.
“I’m truly sorry about this, Emily,” he said. “If only your father had cooperated a bit more. But it wouldn’t have mattered, would it? I think you were already remembering. Your inquiries about Risa’s health were always worded very carefully. Diego’s drug isn’t as powerful as he assumed it was.” He threw the South American a gloating glance. “He’s made several mistakes over the past two years, wouldn’t you say?”
Nathan snarled in fury as Emily clenched her fists to keep from screaming in outrage and horror.
“What are you doing to him?” He was like an animal, his eyes burning in the dim light, his face waxen.
Jansen smiled as he turned back to her. “Did you hear of the great and abiding love Nathan Malone had for his wife?” he asked her. “Some said there was a bond between them that could not be broken. Let’s say we’re breaking it. He’s been a puzzle, our Nathan has been. But before he died, the scientist who developed the Whore’s Dust managed to perfect its design. Once Nathan is given the new drug, he won’t even remember his wife. All he’ll know is the need to fuck. And here you will be, unwilling perhaps, but definitely created to fuck.”
“You can’t do this.” Her gaze flew to the chained SEAL in horror before shifting back to Jansen. “Kell will kill you for this, Jansen.”
“He’ll never know I was involved.” He shrugged carelessly. “Do you think I did anything more than place the chloroform over your mouth and nose? There were others waiting inside the tunnel to spirit you away. Kell has no idea I was involved.”
“He is quite good, is he not?” Diego said mockingly as he stared back at her. “We have been associates for years, but his contacts here have made him invaluable. Not indispensable.” He shot Jansen a smarmy smile. “But invaluable.”
Jansen’s expression tightened in irritation.
“Kell will kill you both,” she informed them softly. “Neither of you will make it out of here alive.”
“He’ll gut you.” Nathan’s raspy voice sounded like a primal hiss. “He’ll take his knife and open you up like a fish. And he’ll smile. He’ll smile because it will be good. Oh, it will be so good. Blood flowing, warm and rich, the dragon feeds on the slayers’ flesh.”
Emily shivered at the death that sounded in the other man’s voice. Nathan was truly insane. What still held him grounded she wasn’t certain, but what she was certain of, was that this man, if not in life then in death, would ensure Jansen’s and Fuentes’s deaths.
“I do believe the drugs have affected his mind,” Jansen said. “We’ve overused him, Fuentes.”
Fuentes shrugged. “That sin lies at your feet, my friend. It does not affect me. I only demanded the chance to recoup my losses before you spirited the delectable little Miss Stanton away to your very good friend Sorrell. I am absolved of this.”
Jansen grunted as he shook his head then turned his gaze back to Emily. “I’ll make certain you’re taken care of,” he told her then. “As soon as Diego and I hammer out a few details you’ll be flown to that little chateau in Switzerland I told you about before. Elaine is already heading there, sweetheart. She’s getting ready for you. Eagerly anticipating your arrival. Once we’ve sampled your no doubt used charms, Sorrell will then collect you.”
A sob tore at her chest as her hand covered her mouth, denial raging inside her. “Elaine knows?” Her voice was raw with pain.
Jansen smiled softly, compassionately. “It was Elaine’s idea, darling.”
He turned to Fuentes. “Have your men inject him. Let’s get this over with so we can leave.”
Fuentes chuckled. “You have a soft spot for this one, Jansen,” he commented as he flicked an amused glance at Emily. “Perhaps before you leave with her, I would like a taste of her as well. Why should our mad SEAL have her alone?”
Jansen stilled. “That wasn’t the deal. Get him drugged and get the fucking cameras up. Get it over with so we can leave.”
Fuentes sighed with mocking regret. “Perhaps you are right. I hear Krieger has become quite besotted with her. Perhaps after a taste of her, I would not wish to release her, hmmm?”
“Don’t make me kill you, Diego.”
The sound of Diego’s men’s weapons snapping in preparation as Jansen moved forward Diego had Nathan’s head jerking up again.
“Kill him, Diego.” The fanatical glee in Nathan’s voice was terrifying. “Do it. You’ll gain points. Don’t you want to gain points?”
Diego chuckled, much like an overindulgent parent.
“Ahh, if only I could give you your wish, my sad little friend. Unfortunately, he does still have his uses.” He turned to his guards. “Prepare them. Let us get this done quickly. Do not drug the woman though.”