Dawn was beginning to streak behind them, moving in closer as Kell flew the military helicopter at top speed, racing to land in their designated area before daylight appeared.
“The boys are in place,” Macey said softly through the helicopter mic. “Weapons and vehicles are awaiting us.”
The things that boy could do with a computer could make chills race up a man’s spine. If he allowed it. Kell had firmly pushed back the man he wanted to be and allowed the killer free. Cajun. That was his call name. That was the man going to war. The Cajun gator. Cold. A killing machine. Today, Jansen Clay and Diego Fuentes were going to die. It was that simple.
“We’ll hit the house just after daybreak if we stay on schedule,” Macey reported. “SEAL team two has a lock on the security and is awaiting our arrival. They won’t know what’s hit them.”
Macey’s boys. SEAL team two was in San Diego on a training exercise. Blood was the perfect teacher.
“Town house is still quiet,” Macey reported. “Kira is out of danger but still in serious condition. We’re covered, locked and loaded.”
“I’ll take the house,” Ian announced from his position next to the doors. “Diego will have an escape plan. I’ll move on that and Clay as well if he’s following behind.”
“Team two, we’re moving into position, do you have us?” Kell spoke into the communications link Macey had established with the team as he neared their landing point.
“Team two ready and waiting,” Commander Charles reported.
Kell maneuvered the Black Hawk between the ridges several miles from Jansen Clay’s seaside mansion and set it down without a bump. He was throwing his safety harness and cutting the power as the doors slid open.
“Commander Charles.” Kell affected a hasty salute as he jumped to the ground, taking the gear one of the other black-clad SEA
Ls handed him. “Is your man on point?”
“In place.” Commander Charles’s dark head nodded. “The mansion is quiet with only a few guards on the perimeter and one dog. They aren’t expecting you, Lieutenant. We’ve located the shed the hostages are being held in and we have one of our snipers in place. Clay and Fuentes are on location and currently heading for the holding cells on the property.”
Clay. Kell could feel his blood boiling at the thought of the other man.
“We want the cell empty of unfriendlies before we go in,” Commander Charles stated as Kell geared up alongside Reno, Clint, and the senator. Macey and Ian jumped into a jeep, where Macey continued to hammer away on his laptop.
“We’ll move into position and await Clay’s exit,” Kell snapped. “But I want him, Commander. And I want him alive.”
“And Fuentes?” Charles asked, his eyes narrowing.
“However you can get him, dead or alive.” Unless Kell got to him first.
“Let’s load up.” Charles nodded. “We have a fifteen-minute drive ahead of us and dawn is heading this way. Let’s get this done.”
They raced for the jeeps, loading in with the rest of team two before speeding along the narrow track that led to Clay’s property.
No wonder they couldn’t find Fuentes. He hadn’t needed to buy his own property when Jansen was putting the drug lord up in his mansion. The three-story hacienda-style home sat on a cliff overlooking the ocean, surrounded by high ridges and accessible to normal traffic by only one road.
Normal traffic.
Fifteen minutes later the jeeps were parked a short distance from the cliffs on the sandy beach and SEALs were rappelling up the cliff face toward the mansion.
The mansion’s walls only extended to the cliff rather than completely surrounding the mansion. Even a mountain goat would have had problems scaling the cliff’s stone face. But SEALs were better than mountain goats. And the Cajun gator was in the lead, his knives ready, his mind clear, and ice for blood.
It was time for payback.
EMILY TRIED TO HUG THE wall, hell, she tried to become the wall as the sound of a key turning in the lock sent chills racing up her spine.
Nathan growled from the corner. The sound of a cornered wolf, terrifying for the subtle softness of it.
Emily scooted back on the cot, pressing herself into the corner as the door opened and Jansen and Diego Fuentes stepped into the room, followed by one of the guards.
A small bulb lit up in the ceiling then. It wasn’t a lot of light, but it was enough to clearly see Jansen’s handsome face. Even now, she didn’t want to believe he could be so evil. His expression was sympathetic, his eyes showing true regret as he watched her. It made her want to kill. To strip away the deceitful veil he wore so easily.