He was aware of the looks he was receiving from the other men. Jansen had delayed him too long outside the bathroom; the kidnappers had a head start on them, as did Clay. The airfield was in the opposite direction of the wash and they were playing catch-up in a vehicle not meant to catch up.
“We have a Gulfstream lifting off,” Macey reported, his voice heavy with regret and resignation as the limo slid onto the side road just in time to see the private jet lifting into the air.
“It’s changing call signs. Son of a bitch, Homeland Security has just designated it as a passenger liner.”
“Tag it,” Kell snapped.
The limo slammed to a stop.
“Get us back to the senator’s house,” Kell commanded. “Macey, keep that plane in sight, do you understand me?”
“Understanding, Kell,” he answered shortly.
Jerking his cell phone from the clip on his slacks, Kell keyed in the senator’s number quickly.
“Meet at the house. Do you still have your supplies?” Guns, ammo, everything a SEAL would need to defend himself.
“That and more,” the senator snapped, his voice husky. “We’re hauling everything out now and waiting for you.”
“Clear our way, we’re heading back at top speed and I don’t have time to deal with the cops in this state.”
“Taken care of,” the senator snapped. “I have your six, just get said six here pronto. Out.”
“Put it to the floor, Macey,” Kell demanded, forcing himself to relax back against his seat. “The senator’s arming us, expect the admiral to have air gear in place by the time we arrive. Macey, keep him updated on the Gulfstream’s tags. I want to know where and when that bastard lands the second he puts down.”
“Tagging in progress, chief, but he has help. Homeland Security is changing his call signs like they’re free. Let’s hope this program works.”
“Hope?” Kell growled.
“It’ll work. It’ll work,” Macey promised desperately. “Hell yes, or I’ll shoot it.”
Kell dragged his fingers through his hair and blew out an unsteady breath as his gaze met Reno’s.
“We’ll find her, Kell.” Reno stared back at him with savage determination. “We’ll get to her in time.”
sp; They had to find her. For the first time in fifteen years, Kell began to pray.
EMILY KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HAD happened when she awoke. The knowledge was just there, certain, painful. Her eyes fluttered open and she took a deep, fortifying breath. She had obviously been out for quite a long time because she wasn’t in a car or a plane, she was lying on a cot in a dark room that smelled of wet soil and desperation.
It was too similar to the first kidnapping, but this time Jansen wasn’t standing over her, his smile compassionate, his eyes hard. She remembered it now, clearly. How he had entered that shack just after she had been shoved inside it with the other girls. He had shaken his head at her and told her that her father should have chosen his friends more wisely.
And his daughter, his own daughter, Risa had stared back at him, dazed, in shock, because he had allowed one of those bastards to touch her. To rape her.
Tears filled her eyes now at the memory. How Risa had screamed for his help, begged him to make her rapist stop hurting her.
Please, Daddy. Please, she had screamed. But Jansen hadn’t made them stop. He had been silent, aloof, allowing the men to rape both Risa and Carrie, while ordering them away from Emily. Declaring that he would take care of her personally.
He had betrayed his own child.
He had helped Fuentes’s men hold them down after that while another shoved the syringe in each girl’s arm.
She whimpered at the memory. Why hadn’t she remembered it? How could she have so completely forgotten the monster he was? How could she have ever forgotten the monster who had allowed other men to rape his own child while saving Emily’s virginity for himself.
By time I finish with you, you’ll belong to me. You’ll beg for my cock. Beg for my touch. The perfect pet for myself and Elaine. She will so enjoy tasting every sweet inch of your body before I take you.