“Tabby.” Kell nodded coolly.
Tabby glanced at Emily. “Why, Emily, I didn’t see you there.” She gazed down her perfectly straight, aristocratic nose at Emily. “How cute that Kell brought you. He does so enjoy doing your father these little favors.”
Emily felt one of her molars threaten to crack as she gritted her teeth. “Tabby, you’re as sweetly endearing and charmingly polite as ever,” she stated.
’s eyes narrowed. “Of course I am, dear. It’s the mark of a lady.” She sniffed, causing her boobs to wiggle alarmingly, as she turned back to Kell and extended her hands to him. “No greetings for a friend, Kell?”
He inclined his head politely. “Hello, Tabby.”
No love was lost here, Emily thought with pleased satisfaction.
Tabby affected an attempt at a pout; the pouched look appeared a little ridiculous on her though. Tabby, despite the boob job and lip enhancement, was amazingly well put together, so much so that Emily felt out of place every time she stood next to her. The strapless dress should have been lying around the other woman’s ankles, but it stayed in place. The slit up the thigh never moved farther than it should, and her artfully arranged dark hair framed her face gracefully.
And she was staring at Kell as though she knew more about his body than she should.
Tabby sighed morosely. “You just disappeared from Atlanta last year as though you had never been there. I went by your apartment several times, you know.”
“I was out of town.”
Emily felt Kell’s fingers at her hip, the tips rubbing against the silk of her gown restlessly.
Tabby pouted again before flashing Emily a look of dislike from beneath her lashes.
“I heard you had moved from your place to Emily’s,” she drawled then. “We were all terribly surprised by that, you know.”
Ah, D.C. gossip, one had to love it. Or in Emily’s case, hate it.
“Why?” Kell’s question was sharp, intent.
Whew, Emily could feel the tension rising now. Not in Kell—he was calm, alert, dangerous—but in Tabby. Her fingers tightened on the little black purse she carried as her scarlet lips thinned marginally.
“We were just surprised,” Tabby murmured then. “Emily’s always so quiet.” It was obvious quiet wasn’t exactly the word she wanted to use.
“She’s refreshing,” Kell said softly. “Unlike other people. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”
“Don’t run off, Kell,” Tabby pleaded softly then, her hand landing on his arm, her fingers curling against the silk of the material. “I believe several of Emily’s friends are here tonight as well. We could all visit.”
Emily knew she should have expected this. Tabby was a regular at these parties, and she wasn’t the only one.
“I believe I might actually know most everyone who is here,” Emily stated with a smile. “Considering the crowd, that’s not surprising, Tabby.”
Satisfaction gleamed in Tabby’s eyes.
“Deuter Meyers seemed quite surprised that you and Kell were living together,” Tabby said with a self-satisfied smile. “He flew out from D.C. this morning just for the party after nearly deciding not to come. But when I mentioned you would be here, why he felt he just had to show up.”
Emily’s arms ached. She could feel the chill racing over them, the echo of the deep bruises that had marred them for weeks after she had left another party that Deuter Meyers had attended.
“Deuter Meyers?” There was an edge of suspicion as Kell glanced down at her.
“I knew him in college.” Emily shrugged, careful to control her reactions now.
“Quite well, from what I understand.” Tabby’s smile was pure spite. “Very well.”
At this point, Emily wanted to roll her eyes. She leaned forward instead. “Unlike some of us, when Kell came to my bed he knew exactly who he’d shared me with and who he hadn’t. You’re barking up the wrong tree.” Bitch.
Tabby’s eyes narrowed as she glanced at Kell. “Oh please, tell me you didn’t fall for the virgin ploy.”