It all makes sense now…

“Earth to Robbie,” Logan said, but it wasn’t until Julien said in Robbie’s ear, “Ça va, princesse?” that Robbie snapped out of his daze.

He turned his head until his lips were only inches from Julien’s. “Mhmm. I was just thinking.”

“I don’t even want to know about what,” Logan said.

Robbie licked his lips and then decided, what the hell. Now was as good a time as any. “My fiancés, actually.”

All conversation ceased at that little announcement, and when the words Robbie had said registered, Logan looked between all three of them and said, “Fiancés?”

Robbie bit into his lip and waited, and when no one said anything, he was about two seconds away from demanding someone speak.

Then, finally, Logan did. “Okay, I don’t know if you two are brave or just crazy to take him on for life.”

Robbie’s mouth fell open at the same time Logan and Tate got to their feet. And as they walked around the fire pit, Robbie realized Logan was messing with him.

“Excuse me,” Robbie said as he stood and faced off with Logan. “As if people didn’t say the same thing to Tate about you.”

“I believe you were probably one of them.” Logan smirked as he reached for Robbie and pulled him into a hug. “But we proved you all wrong. It’s nice to see you doing the same thing.”

Robbie wound his arms around Logan’s waist and grinned into the side of his neck.

“I’m happy for you,” Logan whispered, and kissed his cheek. “I’m happy for you all.”

Robbie wasn’t sure why he felt so emotional, but when he pulled back, he found himself wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

Tate was busy shaking Julien’s and Priest’s hands, and when all three looked at Robbie and Logan, Tate nodded and said, “I want to thank you two for finally giving Robbie someone to dream about besides my husband.”

Robbie eyed Logan and made a show of rolling his eyes. “Oh please, his charm hasn’t worked on me for a long time.”

Tate scoffed. “And here I thought that day would never come.”

“Neither did I,” Priest said, making Robbie look in his direction. “What? You must admit, when we first met, you were rather besotted by him.”

Robbie’s face heated with embarrassment under Priest’s steady gaze and crooked grin.

“You didn’t exactly keep it a secret,” Tate pointed out.

“It’s not my fault,” Robbie said. “Everyone who meets Logan is dumbstruck. It’s like a rite of passage. His face is too perfect or something. But then he opens his mouth and—”

“Excuse me,” Logan said. “You are in my house, you do remember that, right? Buzzed on my liquor.”

Robbie adopted a fake pout and batted his lashes. “Mhmm. It’s really good, too.”

“Plus,” Logan said, crossing his arms, “no one I know has ever complained when I’ve opened my mouth.”

Robbie started laughing, delighted by the familiar volleying with Logan. It had always been that way with them, and he knew it always would be. Then Julien managed to snag everyone’s attention.

“I have to agree with Robbie on this one,” he said to Logan. “I remember the first time I met you. The night Priest sent me to The Popped Cherry. I have to admit, I was rather… What did you call it, princesse? Dumbstruck?”

Robbie’s mouth fell open as he remembered the exact moment he’d seen Julien sitting at Tate’s bar. He’d told Logan that he couldn’t go and serve him because it was, well, Jules, and just like the cocky bastard Logan was, he’d sauntered right up to Julien, not having a clue who he was, and taken his order.

Julien chuckled at Robbie’s expression, and when Robbie’s brain kicked back in, he said, “Wait, you thought Logan was hot?”

“Again, I’m right here,” Logan said.

Julien’s eyes twinkled as he stared at Robbie. “Is. He is hot. So is Tate. How many times have you told me this?”

“Yeah, but you and Priest are—”

“Married? Oui. And you are engaged. That doesn’t mean we’re blind, mon cher petit.” Julien winked. “But don’t fret; I was merely biding my time with him until someone prettier got the courage to come and talk to me.”

“I wasn’t nervous that night,” Robbie lied.

“You were so nervous that night,” Logan said.

Tate laughed. “It’s true. He went on and on about how he’d watched every episode of your show. Then he refused to go and serve you—”

“So you got me instead,” Logan said.

Priest’s and Julien’s rumbling laughter had Robbie death-glaring at Logan and Tate. “Ugh, you two suck.”

“Just a little payback,” Tate said.

“Plus,” Logan said, “I got you to go over and talk to him, and look at you now? You’re engaged to the man. So I’d say you owe me.”

“Actually, that’s not true,” Priest said, and Robbie could’ve kissed him for that. “Julien would’ve found a way to talk to him one way or another. I sent him there for that very reason. Therefore, I would say that Robert owes me—for the rest of his life.”