Robbie stared up at the officer and thought it probably wasn’t a good time to notice how good that uniform looked. But he made a mental note for later when he got out of this, because he was totally going to get Julien and Priest to dress up like that and arrest him.
“Mr. Bianchi, do you know what the speed limit is here in town?”
Robbie was about to automatically answer when he heard Priest’s voice again—silence works too—and decided in this case to keep his mouth shut.
“It’s forty-five,” Officer Bailey said. “That means you were doing ten over the legal speed limit.”
Robbie wanted to kick himself in the ass. Really? This was the last thing he needed. God only knew how much the fine for this was going to cost him.
Officer Bailey tapped Robbie’s paperwork on his palm and then said, “I’m going to go and check this out, and then I’ll be back. Don’t move from your vehicle. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Robbie said, and as the officer went to walk away, he flashed his light inside the back window, and then stopped and bent over to look inside.
Robbie’s eyes shifted to the side mirror, and when Officer Bailey straightened and came back to him, instead of walking away, Robbie gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. This did not seem good.
“Mr. Bianchi, I need you to get out of the car for me, please.”
Uh, what the what? Robbie frowned, and when he didn’t move or respond, Officer Bailey said again, “I need you to get out of the car.”
Finally, Robbie found his voice and decided to hell with not saying anything. “Why?”
“I have reason to believe there are drugs in your car, Mr. Bianchi. Can you please step out?”
Wait… What? Drugs? Robbie stared blankly at the officer as though he didn’t quite understand, and if he hadn’t been so blindsided, he might’ve thought it strange that Officer Bailey’s lips twitched.
“Mr. Bianchi? Please step out of the vehicle.”
You’ve got to be shitting me. Robbie didn’t have any drugs in his car. He’d never touched a drug in his life—well, except for back in the day, like, once. This was absurd.
Robbie pushed open the car door and got out, knowing the sooner this guy looked in his car and realized there was nothing in there, the sooner he’d let him go. Then Robbie could ask Priest if he had any recourse against delusional police officers.
As Robbie shut the door behind him, Officer Bailey said, “Stand right there, please.” Robbie chewed on his bottom lip as the officer once again peered in his passenger window. “There’s a small packet on the floor of your vehicle that I’d like to take a closer look at.”
Robbie turned around to look, and Officer Bailey held a hand up and said, “Don’t move, sir.”
“Sorry,” Robbie said automatically, but was racking his brain trying to think of what the hell this guy was looking at.
“Do you mind if I take a look?”
What could he say, no? Then what would happen? Robbie’s nerves were a wreck, but at the same time, he knew he had nothing to hide. “Go ahead.”
As the officer opened the car door, Robbie wished like hell that Priest was there with him. He’d know exactly what to do.
“Okay, Mr. Bianchi,” Officer Bailey said as he got out of the car. “Do you want to explain to me what this is?”
Robbie’s eyes almost bugged out of his head as he stared at the small rectangular baggie the police officer was holding up in front of him. What the fuck was that? It sure as shit wasn’t his.
“Mr. Bianchi?”
Robbie’s breathing was coming a little faster now, and when Officer Bailey took a step closer, Robbie thought he might pass out.
“You got nothing to say?”
As disbelief started to cloud Robbie’s mind, he thought of his cousin Vanessa and how one mistake had almost cost her her life, and Robbie knew his best course of action here was to shut his mouth and wait until he could get to Priest, or call Priest, or—
“Right. If you’ve got nothing to say for yourself, then go ahead and give me your hands. You’re going to be detained right now and taken to the station for further questioning.”
Oh my God, Robbie thought, as the police officer put the cuffs on him. I’m going to be calling Priest, all right. I’m going to be calling him from jail.
Chapter Seventeen
What the shit is going on?
AS ROBBIE SAT in the back of the police cruiser on the way to the station, he stared at the partition between him and Officer Bailey and tried to work out how in the world he’d ended up there.
Ever since the handcuffs had been clicked into place and he’d been escorted to the back seat of the car, Robbie had been freaking the fuck out.