“I want a taste,” Priest said, but his voice and eyes implied that he was talking about much more than the sauce that was now dripping down the handle of the spoon and along the side of Julien’s hand.

Julien dipped the spoon back into the pot, and when he brought it up between them, he blew on it, cooling it, before he offered it up to his husband. Priest leaned in and sipped it off the edge of the wood, and before Julien could lower his arm, Priest wrapped his fingers around Julien’s wrist and dragged his tongue along the edge of his hand.

Julien hummed in the back of his throat, and when Priest’s potent stare found his, he marveled that even after all this time, Priest still made his knees weak.

“Delicious,” Priest said, licking his lips.

“Bien. Do you think our princesse will like it?”

“Oh, we’re talking about the food?”

Julien’s lips curved as he sidled closer to Priest and put a hand on his chest.

“Hmm,” Priest said. “Then yes, he will. That’s delicious too.”

Julien shook his head. “And you think Robbie and I are trouble. Don’t try and charm your way out of what we were just discussing.”

“I’m not doing that.”

“Si, you are,” Julien said as he turned back to the stove.

“Fine,” Priest said, and finally walked over to sit at the island. “But if you want me to actually stay over here, keep talking, or Robert is going to walk in on much more than cooking.”

Julien aimed a pointed look over his shoulder. “Okay, then. How about you admit that you were being nosey upstairs.”


“Admit it, mon amour. It’s driving you crazy that he hasn’t formally introduced us to his family yet.”

“I admit that I was a little bit curious about what he was saying to his mother, yes,” Priest said, and then aimed a look at the stairs. “I just wish he’d talk to us about this. He does about everything else, but at the mention of his family, he clams up.”

“I agree. We need to talk to him about it.”

Priest nodded. “We do. He’s always so open about us with everyone. But whenever we mention telling his parents—"

“I know,” Julien said. “He’s dodging it.”

“His mom wants him to come home for his birthday.”

Julien snorted. “See. Nosey.”

“I just want to help make this easier for him,” Priest said, as if that excused the fact that he’d stood outside the bathroom a little longer than necessary. “His mother already knows about us. She knew from the first time she saw us all together. I’m positive. And so is he. This is absurd.”

“Oui,” Julien said, finding Priest’s frustration slightly amusing as he bent down to open the cabinet and look for a pot for his pasta. “But introducing your married boyfriends to your family has got to be kind of daunting. Non?”

Priest conceded that point as Julien wrapped his hand around the handle of the pot and pulled it free, straightening to his full height.

“Why don’t we talk to him about it tomorrow?” Julien said, as he filled the pot with water and added it to the stove. “Then we can see if he wants to do something with them for his—”

“Oh. My. God.”

Robbie’s voice interrupted the two of them, and when Julien turned around, he found their princesse frozen by the dining room table. His lips were parted, his eyes wide, and his gaze was locked on Julien like a tractor beam.

Shelving their conversation for now, Julien walked across the kitchen as Priest stood so he could hold his hand out to Robbie.

“I believe I have you to thank for this particular treat tonight,” Priest said, as Robbie slipped his palm into his. “Why don’t you come into the kitchen, birthday boy, and meet your personal chef for the evening.”

Chapter Three

Delicate and fragile or fierce and sassy…

I wonder which Robert we’ll see tonight.

I bet I know ~ Priest

I DON’T KNOW what I did to deserve the good karma coming my way right now, but I am not about to stop and try and work it out. No siree, Robbie thought, as he slipped his hand into Priest’s and took a step forward, his eyes locked on the hottest chef in the world standing naked in their kitchen. Well, naked except for the tiniest apron I’ve ever seen in my life.

“A pretty good start to celebrating your thirtieth year on the planet, wouldn’t you agree?” Priest said by Robbie’s ear.

Uh, yeah, he would. Robbie swallowed, trying to find his tongue, as Priest guided him into the kitchen, closer to Julien, closer to heaven.

“We were trying to think of something…special to give you tonight,” Priest said, making gooseflesh break out over Robbie’s skin. “Something you would never forget. I’ve always found a private meal prepared by my very own chef is something I never forget. What do you think?”