The sound of his phone buzzing had Robbie turning away from the window to see Priest’s name and number, and he quickly snatched it and hit answer, before turning back to once again soak in the magnificent view.

“Bonjour, princesse,” Julien said, and Priest added, “Good morning, sweetheart.”

“Good morning,” Robbie said, and bit his lower lip as he imagined them across the house in the guest room, lounging in bed together.

“How are you this morning?” Priest asked, and if he’d called five minutes earlier, Robbie’s answer would’ve been much different.

“I’m wonderful.”

“Oui, you are that,” Julien said, making Robbie want to swoon. “But how are you feeling? You said you couldn’t sleep in your text?”

Robbie leaned against the wall and watched his mother and Val begin to decorate the arbor with the same beautiful flowers as the bouquets. “Yeah, last night was long.”

“We’re sorry to hear that,” Priest said. “Why don’t you try and get another hour or so in now?”

“Are you kidding? I couldn’t sleep now if I tried,” Robbie said. “Plus, I just looked outside and realized…” Robbie trailed off, wondering if they’d think him silly.

“What, princesse?” Julien said. “What did you realize?”

Robbie felt his cheeks heat even though he was standing on his own. “Just that I don’t want to miss any part of today. Not one second of it. This is our wedding day.”

“Yes, it is.” Priest’s confirmation sent a shiver racing up Robbie’s spine.

“It’s beautiful out there this morning,” Robbie said. “Have you seen? It’s the perfect day.”

“Of course it is, sweetheart. We wouldn’t let it be anything other than perfect for you.”

Robbie chuckled as he fiddled with the hem of his pajama top. “I miss you both,” he confessed, and then shook his head. “That sounds dumb, I know, but—”

“It doesn’t sound dumb at all,” Julien said. “We miss you too, and can’t wait to see you today.”

“Oh yeah?”


“So you haven’t forgotten what I look like?” Robbie said. “You don’t need me to come and remind you, maybe?”

“I told you he’d do this to me, didn’t I?” Priest said, and Robbie could hear the smile in his voice.

“Do what?” Robbie asked.

“Test his control,” Julien said. “Priest is feeling a little bit weak this morning when it comes to you, princesse. Better stay out of his path until he can claim you.”

Robbie loved the sound of that, like, a whole lot.

“But to answer your question,” Julien said, “non, we have not forgotten what you look like. You are quite unforgettable, mon cher petit.”

Robbie lost his ability to form a coherent sentence, because damn, the two of them were making him feel like…wow.

When Robbie didn’t answer, Julien said, “Robbie? Are you there?”

“Yes, I’m just—” Robbie paused as his eyes shifted to the clock he’d been cursing earlier, and he realized that, oh shit, he only had four hours to get everything ready and look the best he’d ever looked in his life, and that suddenly didn’t seem like long enough. “I have to go. It’s nearly eight o’clock. Why didn’t you tell me it was nearly eight?”

Julien chuckled. “Désolé.”

Robbie ran a hand through his hair as he walked to the mirror in the bedroom, and when he saw his reflection, his eyes widened in horror. “Yes, well, now that I know, I need to stop talking to you two and go and get pretty.”

Priest hummed. “You’re already pretty.”

Robbie shook his head. “Trust me, if you saw me right now—”

“I’d feel exactly the same way,” Priest said. “But go, before I try and convince you to come over here.”

Robbie grinned to himself. “I love you. Both of you.”

“On t’aime aussi,” Julien said.

Reluctant to end the call, even though he knew he needed to get moving, Robbie lingered. “I’ll see you soon.”

“We’ll be the ones waiting for you at the end of the aisle,” Priest said, and Robbie’s breath caught as he conjured up that image.

“I can’t wait.”

“Au revoir, princesse,” Julien said, and then ended the call, and Robbie kicked his ass into high gear and went off in search of his sisters. It was time to get this day officially underway, because the sooner it began, the sooner it would end, and then he would belong to those two amazing men for the rest of his life.

Chapter Twenty-Five

We are meant to be with one another,

and if that means we want an awful lot—then so be it

~ Robbie, Julien, & Priest

“WELL, WHAT DO you think?”

Priest’s voice had Julien turning away from the French doors, where he’d been watching the guests below locate their seats. As Priest walked out of the bathroom dressed in a classic tuxedo, Julien ran his eyes over the polished shoes, up the long, tailored legs, to the fitted black waistcoat, and the black buttons on the crisp white shirt. Then, knotted at the base of his throat, was an elegant black bow tie. His beard had been trimmed close, his hair swept back, and his grey eyes were watching Julien closely.