“Oh, yes. Don’t worry about me. I’m just…” She cupped Robbie’s cheek. “I’m just feeling a little bit emotional. That’s all.”

Robbie placed his hand over hers and then kissed it. “Good emotions?” he asked, wondering if she was at all second-guessing the unusual union her son was about to enter into. “I know this might be a little awkward for you and Pa, but—”

“Robert? Shh…baby. Stop worrying. They’re good ones. I’m happy and a little bit sad that my baby boy is all grown up. But mostly I’m so proud of the man you have become.”

Robbie’s eyes welled, and when she let go of his hand to cradle both his cheeks, she said, “You have always been my sweet boy. The one who had a smile for everyone and wanted nothing more than to be loved. And for that reason, I always worried about you the most. That you would give your love to the wrong person—until now.”

Robbie didn’t realize until she’d wiped away a tear that he was crying. But when she leaned in and rested her forehead to his like she used to when he was a boy, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

“A person would have to be blind not to see how much those two men love you. This might not be conventional, and it might not come with a legal document attached. But from the moment they asked your father and me for your hand in marriage, they became part of this family, and our family does not embarrass us, Robert. So tomorrow, you go out there and be proud of who you are, because that’s the man I raised, and that’s the man they love.”

Robbie wrapped his arms around his mother’s waist, and as she kissed the side of his head, he shut his eyes and held on tight until, finally, he felt together enough to let go. He had the best family in the world. He’d known that a long time ago, but as he sat there with his mother, now going over tomorrow’s plans, Robbie realized that not only was he excited about marrying Julien and Priest, he was also excited to give them this.

A family who would love and accept them—and occasionally drive them up the wall—and no amount of money could ever buy that kind of love or happiness.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Damn, the two of them make me feel like…wow

~ Robbie

“BONJOUR, MON CŒUR.” Priest’s voice wrapped around Julien like a caress, as the sun crept between the sheer curtains of the lake house guest room and roused him from his sleep. “The sun is rising, the rain is gone, and you and I are marrying a princess today.”

Julien smiled before he even opened his eyes, and when he finally did and turned his head, Priest rolled him to his back.

“Bonjour,” Julien said as Priest stretched out alongside him, his head propped up on his palm. “You’re awake early. Couldn’t sleep?”

“I could…” Priest said, as he lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss to Julien’s lips. “I just found that I liked what was here better than anything in my dreams.”

Julien grinned against Priest’s mouth, a sleepy chuckle rumbling from his chest. “Aren’t you charming this morning.”

Priest kissed his way over to Julien’s ear and nuzzled in under it. “I’m charming every morning.”

“Non, you are not.” Julien laughed as he rolled to his side and Priest slid his leg between his, and then slipped his hands into the back of Julien’s white briefs. “You are usually broody and silent until you are showered and caffeinated.”

Priest eyed him for a minute, and then shrugged. “Fair point. But I’m never like that on my wedding days.”

Julien put his hands against Priest’s chest and tested the muscle there. “True. You always seem to wake up very energized on those particular days.”

“You should know; you’ve been there for both of them.”

Julien kissed along Priest’s jaw, and when he hummed in the back of his throat, Julien pushed him to his back. As he placed a palm on either side of Priest’s head, Priest stared up at him, his grey eyes taking in every feature of Julien’s face, as though he were memorizing it for all eternity.

“I love the way you look at me,” Julien said, as he ran his fingers through the thick auburn strands, and Priest widened his legs so Julien could settle between them.

“I love looking at you. Honestly, I don’t know how I got so lucky that I get to do that for the rest of my life.” Priest ran his hands up Julien’s back and then traced his fingers down one side of his face. “You have such a beautiful soul, Julien. I always knew that. It’s right there in everything you do and say. But every day I spend with you, that I see you with Robert? I swear, I fall more in love with you. How is that possible? When I already love you so much?”