“I have to work next weekend,” Robbie said, not believing he was actually about to commit to this. “But the weekend after, I can totally be there. Maybe Friday through Sunday?”
“Oh, that would be wonderful,” his mother said as though she hadn’t just threatened an ambush. “A little late, but we can work with that. Plus, it’ll give your pa time to arrange being home, and the girls can decide who is going to do what.”
“Ma. Small,” Robbie said, thinking he’d much prefer introducing Julien and Priest to his immediate family first, before subjecting them to, well, everyone else. “You said you’d keep it small.”
“Yes, yes, I know. But it’s my baby boy’s thirtieth birthday. We need to celebrate, and since when have you ever said no to a party?”
“Never. But, um…” Robbie chewed on his lower lip. Shit, how did he bring up this next part in any kind of casual conversation? Oh, just spit it out. It’s not going to get any easier tomorrow. “I’m going to be bringing my boyfriends home with me to meet you guys. I hope that’s okay.”
There was a long pause, and Robbie shut his eyes. God, he was nervous about this. More so than he’d expected to be. He’d never brought anyone home to Oshkosh before, and certainly not anyone he was in a serious relationship with. And suddenly, he found himself praying that his mother wasn’t about to hang up on him.
Robbie nodded, but when he realized she couldn’t see him, he said, “Uh… Yes?”
More silence greeted him, and Robbie wished he could see her face. He wished he could gauge what she might be thinking. His parents had always been so understanding of who he was, and embraced it. But would this be too much?
Robbie gulped. “Yes, Ma?”
“I hope that’s not the reason you’ve been staying away.” The seriousness in her voice made Robbie’s guilt magnify. He was about to try and half-ass his way through an apology when she said something that had his jaw just about hitting the floor. “We’ll see you in two weeks. And Robert? Say hello to Mr. Thornton and Mr. Priestley. I look forward to getting to know them when you bring them home with you. Talk soon, baby boy. Bye.”
Robbie stared at the now-silent phone in his hand.
Well, I’ll be damned… She really had worked it out from that one meeting at JULIEN, and she didn’t seem too upset. More annoyed that he hadn’t been home to visit. Huh. Well, it seemed the three of them would soon be heading up to Oshkosh, but not tonight.
No. Tonight, he was going to celebrate his birthday in the best way possible. By winning this little game his men had devised for him, so he could claim his prize.
“JOEL.” JULIEN CHUCKLED. “Get your hands off me. I’m trying to make dinner here,” he said, as he expertly sidestepped Priest’s wandering hands and moved down the counter to where a knife sat on the cutting board.
Priest leaned against the counter behind him and stared Julien down. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before you decided to invite me to assist.”
“If my memory serves me correctly, I made you come down here because I found you with your ear pressed up against the bathroom door.”
“I was just—”
“Eavesdropping?” Julien suggested, as he began to chop the basil.
“I was just making sure Robert was okay.”
Julien shook his head as he scooped up the herbs and then moved to sprinkle them in the pot. “Sure you were. Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? You are being nosey. Admit it, mon amour.”
When Priest pushed off the counter and walked toward him, Julien grabbed the wooden spoon and pointed it. “Stop right there, thank you very much.”
Priest smirked, but Julien knew his limits, and ever since Priest had re-entered the kitchen, he’d had his hands, mouth, or body pressed up against Julien. Not that that was surprising. After all, Julien was naked, except for the white apron he’d tied around his waist.
A few months back, when they’d been having dinner at Tate and Logan’s, Tate had let slip a conversation he’d once had with Robbie about white picket fences and naked men cooking for him. And while they’d all laughed, and of course joked that Robbie already had a naked chef whenever he wanted one, Julien hadn’t quite gotten around to fulfilling that particular fantasy yet.
Tonight, that was going to change.
“Did you honestly believe for a second that I would sit all the way over there, when you’re standing here in next to nothing?” Priest said.
Julien stirred the pasta sauce and then raised the spoon to his mouth to taste. It was the exact recipe that Robbie had taught him—his favorite, the one his nonna used to make—and once Julien was satisfied, he turned his eyes on Priest, who had, oui, moved a little closer.