They were in the same position they had been in that night at CRUSH. But this time there were no clothes between them and nobody else in the way, and Priest was watching them with an untamed look that had Julien’s hand pumping Robbie a little faster.

“I’m going to watch you come all over him tonight,” Julien said in Robbie’s ear. “And then, princesse, we’re going to come in you.”

Robbie’s breathing accelerated, as did the movement of his hips, when Julien began to drive in and out. Robbie tipped his head back, and Julien kissed along his neck until Robbie moaned and his ass clenched. Then his entire body stiffened, and Robbie shouted out Julien’s name, as he came all over Priest’s hard dick and the hand working it.

Julien let go of Robbie’s spent cock to take hold of his chin so he could kiss him, and when he groaned into Julien’s mouth, Julien’s balls tightened, and he came in a rush.

“Mmm,” Robbie said, as Julien’s chest heaved behind him. “Kiss me again, Jules… Fuck.”

Julien obliged as his dick slid free, then they both looked down at Priest, who said, “You better both get over here—now.”

ROBBIE FELT ABOUT as amazing as Priest looked. Sprawled out under Robbie’s spread legs, he was on his back, his hard cock in his hand, with Robbie’s cum all over him.

Julien had made damn good on his promise, and as he moved up alongside Priest to kiss him, Robbie shifted back down to his knees and—

“Oh fucking hell, Robert.”

—sank down on Priest with his slick, hot hole—courtesy of their Frenchman.

“He feels good, oui?” Julien whispered against Priest’s ear as they both looked up at Robbie. “Our fiancé.”

“He feels amazing and well used…in the best way ever.” As Priest grabbed a handful of each ass cheek, he pulled Robbie down until all three of their faces were close. “One of you better fucking kiss me in the next three seconds or—”

Robbie didn’t let Priest finish. He crushed their mouths together as Priest began to move in him, and when Robbie raised his head to let out a moan of toe-curling ecstasy, Julien took his place.

Damn. The two of them were so incredibly hot, and seeing them side by side like this, their mouths melded, Julien’s hand on Priest’s face, made Robbie’s hips move a little faster. As his dick stirred back to life, Robbie put his hands on Priest’s chest and pushed up until he was seated, and began to ride him until Priest was hitting Robbie’s prostate.

Priest pulled his mouth free to let out a groan, and his hands found Robbie’s hips as he began to tunnel up in to him. Robbie swiped his fingers through his cum and used it to slick his dick, and as Julien whispered something in Priest’s ear and then kissed him, that was it for Priest. He clenched his teeth, arched his head back into the pillows, and then came inside Robbie in a hot flood of release.

It was the perfect end to a perfect night, and as the three of them caught their breaths, Robbie reached for the towel he’d tossed at the end of the bed, cleaned himself off, and then looked down at the two staring up at him. “Well, if that’s what our marital bed is going to be like, sign me up for life.”

Priest grabbed Robbie and tumbled him down between him and Julien. “It was too late anyway. You already said yes.”

“Mhmm,” Julien said in his ear, and then kissed Robbie under it. “You’re stuck with us for life now.”

“Sounds like heaven to me,” Robbie said, as he turned his head to kiss Julien.

“It does, doesn’t it?” Julien whispered, and then smiled against Robbie’s lips.

Robbie looked to Priest to see his eyes were shut and his mouth was relaxed, as he lay there silently, his breathing even.

It was amazing. After all this time of not sleeping, Priest seemed to be making up for it. He could now fall asleep in the blink of an eye and stay that way for hours, and while some might be a little miffed at that after what had just happened there tonight, Robbie merely turned to his side and cuddled into Julien to watch over him, both of them happy that Priest could now find peace so quickly when he lay down beside them.

“Sweet dreams, princesse,” Julien said as he switched off the lamps.

Robbie smiled into the pillow and knew nothing would compare to the dream he’d walked into tonight, and whispered back, “Sweet dreams to you, Jules.” Not a second later, he drifted off into a blissful sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Apparently, that’s what Logan Mitchell makes my men.

I just might have to kill him

~ Priest

“STOP FIDGETING,” PRIEST said in Robbie’s ear, as he stood behind him with Julien on Logan and Tate’s front stoop.