Priest spread his legs a little wider and reached down to rub his covered cock and balls, and Robbie was back on the bed in a heartbeat after that. As his knees hit the mattress, Robbie looked at where Julien was still situated between Priest’s calves, and Julien nodded to Priest’s working hand.
“Why don’t you get between us tonight, princesse? Give Priest a helping hand.”
Robbie grinned and then moved to settle between Priest’s thighs, on his knees. With his naked back now facing Julien, Robbie gave a final glance over his shoulder as he bent down over Priest, and when he gave his ass a little shake, Julien smirked.
Oh, oui, Robbie understood without any more words that the more Julien had promised him minutes ago was about to be delivered in full.
Chapter Twenty-One
If this is what our marital bed is going to be like,
sign me up for life ~ Robbie
PRIEST LOOKED DOWN to where Robbie was now naked, bent over, and running his teasing mouth all over his covered dick, and clenched his teeth together in an effort not to tell him to take the damn boxers off.
He was trying to remember why he’d kept them on in the first place, but as Robbie’s breath dampened the material molding them to his throbbing cock, Priest was starting to believe it had been a really stupid idea. Julien was naked and hard, kneeling behind Robbie’s bent-over frame, and the hungry way he was watching Robbie mouth Priest’s dick wasn’t helping matters in the slightest.
Priest wanted out of his confines. He wanted Robbie’s mouth on his flesh, and when he raised his eyes to Julien’s, Priest bucked up. Those jade eyes looked as though they were glowing, as Julien ran them all over him and licked along his lower lip, and Priest changed his mind.
He wanted out of his confines, and wanted Robbie’s and Julien’s mouths on him. Fuck, he might even beg for it.
Robbie’s fingers crept into the sides of Priest’s boxer briefs, and as he began to pull them down and his cock sprang free, Priest looked down in time to see Robbie’s tongue come out and swipe a long, wet path from root to tip.
Robbie moaned as he reached out to angle him upward, and then swirled his tongue around the wide head, where he dipped his tongue into the slit, making Priest curse. Robbie removed his lips and aimed his flirty eyes up at Priest, then he did it again, and that was it. Priest reached out to take a handful of Robbie’s hair and direct him, and as Robbie sucked him, deep between those sweet lips of his, Priest looked up to find Julien zeroed in on the two of them.
Usually on the other end of this scenario, Priest reveled in the switch tonight, and opened himself up to the two men watching and working him over, and when Robbie raised his head and looked over his shoulder at Julien, whatever passed between them was exactly what Priest had been hoping for.
Robbie shifted a little to the side until Julien was bent down beside him, a hand now planted firmly on the mattress by Priest’s hip, as Robbie held Priest’s cock up for him like a fucking gift.
Priest’s body was as taut as a tripwire, as their mouths hovered on either side of his aching erection. He wanted this more than his next goddamn breath, and when Julien and Robbie ran a tongue up either side of his shaft, and then took turns sucking him into their mouths, Priest groaned and slammed his head back into the pillow.
Fucking hell. The two of them licked, sucked, and then kissed one another around the head of his dick, until they were both moaning between Priest’s thighs, and finally he said, “Shit. No more.”
They both looked up, and Julien grinned. “What do you think, princesse? Do you want more?”
Robbie grinned like the devil—a really fucking pretty one—and then nodded as Julien moved back to his position behind Robbie, and Robbie climbed up over Priest’s body, straddled his waist, and then leaned down to say against Priest’s lips, “I want a whole lot more.”
Priest growled and ran his hands around Robbie’s hips to his ass, and then thrust up, rubbing his hard cock under Robbie’s balls. Priest then spread Robbie’s cheeks for Julien, who picked up the lube and poured a liberal amount down his crack, and when Julien tossed it aside and slid his finger along the slippery path and into Robbie’s hole, Robbie cried out and Priest sucked his lip.
“That kind of more?”
“Yes, ah…” Robbie moaned again when Julien added a second finger, making Robbie writhe on top of Priest, leaving a sticky path in his wake.
Priest ran his hands up and down Robbie’s sides, and Robbie planted his hands on either side of Priest’s head to get more momentum, and as he began to rock back on Julien’s fingers, Priest reached down to stroke Robbie’s cock.