“Robert Antonio Bianchi,” Priest said, and though Robbie tried to focus, he was finding it difficult with the tears now blurring his eyes.

“You are the brightest part of our lives,” Julien said. “And from the moment you walked into it, we knew you were meant to be ours.”

Julien took Priest’s hand and entwined their fingers, forming that bond, that connection, that Robbie loved the most about them.

“We’ve been planning to ask you for some time now,” Priest said, and Robbie bit down on his lip to stop his chin from quivering. “But we wanted your parents’ blessing first.”

“And when they gave it,” Julien said, “they told us about this place, and everything, as it always does with you, and us, fell into place.”

Oh my God, Robbie thought, as he finally realized why this all felt so familiar. This was where his parents had gotten engaged. Where the greatest love story he knew began. In the little cottage with the lights, where there was nothing in the world but you and love, and Robbie remembered his ma telling him one time, That’s all that matters in the end, Robert, not who. Out there, love is all that exists.

“Robert?” Priest said, gently smiling.

Then Julien’s dimple appeared. “Princesse?”

Then they both held their free hands out to him and proved his ma right. “Will you marry us?”

Chapter Nineteen

This is the beginning of forever.

And if you come with us, we’ll show you the rest of the way

~ Julien & Priest

“YES,” ROBBIE SAID, and fell down to his knees. “A thousand times over, yes.”

As the lights flickered over Robbie’s face, Priest took in the beautiful picture he made. The shimmering blue eyes, the pretty flushed cheeks, and the trembling in his body as what was happening—what had happened—began to wash over him.

Julien brought Robbie’s hand up and pressed his lips to the center of it.

“Je t’aime, Robbie,” Julien whispered.

“Je t’aime aussi,” Robbie replied, making Julien grin as he entwined their fingers. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you want to marry me. That both of you do.”

Julien looked to Priest, and Robbie did also, and when Priest pressed a kiss to Robbie’s palm, his emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

“We do,” Priest said. “We love you. I love you, sweetheart. But that’s not all we want. There’s something else we’d like to ask of you tonight.”

Robbie swallowed, and just as Priest was about to continue, Robbie put a finger to his lips and said, “Wait…”

Priest paused, thinking that maybe Robbie was feeling rushed. But then a lovely smile crossed his lips and he said, “You didn’t let me say it back.”

Priest blinked. It wasn’t often that he lost his words, but when Robbie moved his hand to cradle Priest’s bearded cheek and said, “I love you too,” Priest had a hard time remembering what he’d been going to say.

As he sat there staring at the young man who’d walked into his and Julien’s lives not too long ago, Priest wondered what he’d ever done to deserve not only one great love in his life, but two.

“You wanted to ask me something else?” Robbie said, and a soft laugh escaped him. “I’m not sure my heart can take anything else.”

“Yes. This is important,” Priest said. “You are important. And we want you to understand and feel that.”

Julien nodded. “We want the world to understand that you are loved by both Priest and myself, princesse. Regardless of a piece of paper.”

Robbie let go of Julien’s hand for a second to brush away a tear. But as soon as it was gone, he reached for him again.

“I do understand that,” Robbie said. “I know this can’t be legally recognized, but—”

This time Priest put a finger to Robbie’s lips. “But taking our names can be.”

Robbie’s mouth opened and shut several times. “Wh…what?”

“Our names,” Priest said. “We both kept our own when we married.”

“But with you,” Julien said, “we would be honored if you would take them, and legally make them yours. We think Thornton-Priestley has a nice ring to it.”

Robbie let go of both their hands to cover his mouth. His eyes were round as saucers, and all the love and happiness he was experiencing was shining right out of them.

“Are you serious?” Robbie said, trying to blink back his tears and failing.

“Oui, very serious,” Julien said. “But only if you want—”

“I want to,” Robbie said, and launched himself at Julien, who wrapped his arms around Robbie’s waist and kissed him until he shook, and when he pulled back and reached for Priest to do the same, Julien chuckled at his exuberance.

When Robbie finally let them go, he sat back on his heels and said, “This is a dream. The most beautiful, wonderful dream I’ve ever had.”

“Non, mon cher petit. This is the beginning of forever,” Julien said, and as they all got to their feet, he reached for Robbie’s hand. “And if you come with us, we’ll show you the rest of the way.”