~ Julien
HE WANTS TO kill me, Priest thought, as Robbie’s eyes narrowed and his dainty jaw clenched. Those usually pouty lips of his had gone from twisted confusion, to parted in shock, and were now pulled into a seriously pissed-off line.
Oh yes, Robbie was about to rain holy hellfire down on him, and Priest couldn’t wait. It reminded him of how far they’d come, and where they’d both begun, and that was exactly where Priest wanted Robbie’s mind to go to tonight. A little trip down memory lane.
Keeping his expression serious, Priest said, “I asked you a question, Mr. Bianchi,” and that finally made his little spitfire explode.
“You’re asking,” Robbie said. “You’re asking me a question?”
Knowing exactly what buttons to push with Robbie, Priest nodded. “Yes. And you still haven’t answered.”
“I…I don’t even know what to say to you right now. Did you seriously just have me arrested?”
“No,” Priest said, because technically, Robbie hadn’t been arrested. Not really. “Although it is rather handy that Craig cuffed you. I didn’t ask him to do that.”
A look of utter disbelief crossed Robbie’s face, and then he began to laugh hysterically, almost delirious in his incredulity, as though he thought Priest had lost his mind, and maybe he had. But if that were the case, so had Julien, who was waiting for them to arrive not far from there.
As Robbie glared at him, clearly trying to work out the finer details as to why he was standing in the middle of the woods at night, Priest tugged on the chain again, drawing Robbie closer.
When Robbie staggered forward, and seemed to realize what Priest was doing, he raised his bound hands and flattened his palms on Priest’s chest.
“Uh, what do you think you’re doing?” Robbie said with so much attitude, it was all Priest could do to keep his lips in a firm line. “You’re not getting anything from me until you start explaining.”
Priest let his gaze roam over the perfectly sculpted eyebrow now winging up, the lined eyes shooting daggers his way, and the pointy chin, angled so high up that Priest couldn’t help himself from reaching out and taking hold of it.
“Well, that’s unfortunate,” Priest said. “Because we want everything, Robert Bianchi.”
Robbie opened his mouth, about to tell him to back up or go to hell, no doubt. But as Priest’s words sank in, he seemed to realize what he’d just said, and the furious light that had been lit a second ago turned into a…curious one.
That’s right, sweetheart. Remember the first time I said that? Remember where we all began.
Robbie licked at his lips. “What do you mean you want everything?”
And it was that moment that Priest knew he had him. Robbie had finally gotten past his annoyance and realized that something else was happening.
Priest smirked and began to walk backward, and this time when he pulled on the chain, Robbie followed.
“Priest?” Robbie said, as he looked around again. “Where are we?”
“Why?” Priest asked. “Are you scared?”
“Well,” Robbie said, “I was arrested, handcuffed, and brought out to the middle of the woods and handed over to a crazy man. So…”
Priest stopped walking and pulled Robbie in until he could wrap an arm around him. “So?”
“I’m not scared at all. Does that make me crazy too?”
Priest took in all of the elegant lines of Robbie’s face. “Crazy in love, maybe.”
Robbie blinked, and before he could say anything else, Priest said, “Let’s go. Julien’s waiting for us.”
JULIEN LOOKED OUT at the peaceful forest that stretched for miles in front of him, and enjoyed the relaxing sounds that came with nightfall once you left the city behind.
He was standing on the wraparound porch of the little cottage Sofia and Antonio had told them about back in Oshkosh, wondering how their son’s story was going to play out in comparison to theirs.
Julien smiled, thinking about the tongue-lashing Priest was likely enduring after their elaborate ploy to get Robbie out there alone and unsuspecting. But when he had suggested his plan, Priest had thought it absolutely perfect. Insane, but perfect for them.
Nothing had ever been normal when it came to the three of them, and it only seemed fitting that Robbie would have a tale like that of a thief, stealing a car, to tell for many years to come.
Julien gave the porch a final look before the other two arrived. This was where the magic tonight would begin, where the new chapter in their journey would start, and he had been particular on how he wanted to set the stage. He wanted Robbie to feel as though he was walking into a dream. One where he wanted to stay forever with Julien and Priest.
The sound of leaves crunching had Julien tugging at his collar, and he found he was a little bit nervous. This was a first for him.