As he trailed his finger between Robbie’s tight ass cheeks, they flexed, and Robbie whimpered, and when Julien massaged the pad of his index finger over Robbie’s pucker, he said to Priest, “Suce-le.”
Priest parted his lips, and this time Robbie slid inside his mouth without needing any instruction. Julien wound an arm around Robbie’s waist, and as his finger penetrated the tight ring of muscle, Robbie slapped a palm on the brick wall beside them and bucked back, and Julien burrowed his finger in deeper.
“Ah, damn, Jules… Yeah, right there. Right fucking there.”
Julien could see Priest’s head moving up and down as Robbie’s fingers twisted in his auburn hair, and when Julien sucked on Robbie’s ear, he began to talk to him in French, knowing just how hot that got the both of them.
“Tu es si beau, princesse. Étroit, chaud, comme l’enfer et le paradis à la fois.”
Robbie’s fingers tensed on the bricks, and as he thrust his hips forward, Julien massaged his prostate, and Robbie’s head strained back until their cheeks were touching.
“Encore. Encore,” Robbie said, and Julien took his lips in a crushing kiss as he slid his finger free and then pushed it back in, rubbing up against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Robbie finally ripped his mouth away and dropped his arm from the brick to grab at Priest’s hair.
A long groan left Robbie’s lips as he stiffened and his ass clenched, and Julien wished like hell it was his cock inside of him as Robbie came hard down Priest’s throat.
Robbie’s breathing left him in ragged bursts as he leaned back in search of Julien’s mouth. Julien took his lips, and as their tongues rubbed up against each other, Julien freed his hand and pulled Robbie back against him.
When he finally freed Robbie’s mouth, they saw that Priest was standing as he reached for Julien, leaned in, and crushed their mouths together, sharing the delicious taste of Robbie.
Julien grunted as Priest growled against his lips, and he knew it would be a race as to who got in their princesse first tonight.
“Let’s go,” Priest said, and when they both turned to Robbie, he was re-buttoning his jeans. “Don’t get too zipped up. You’ll be lucky if you make it out of the garage with how hard the two of us are.”
Robbie’s eyes fell down to the erections straining behind Julien’s and Priest’s zippers. “Promise?”
Julien took Robbie’s hand, tugged him forward, and kissed that sassy mouth of his. “Promis.”
“Shit, okay, let’s go,” Robbie said, and when they all stepped back out into the street and headed toward the car, he added, “So were you thinking against the wall? Or, oooh, over the hood of the car?”
“I swear to God, if you keep talking, it’s going to be in the back seat of the car as soon as we get in it,” Priest said, his control clearly being tested as much as Julien’s.
“Promise?” Robbie said, and then laughed like the teasing, satisfied minx he was as they climbed in the car, their final destination and intention having erased all other things but the three of them from this night.
Chapter Sixteen
Uh, what the what?
~ Robbie
“OKAY, I’M OUT unless you need anything else,” Robbie said, as he walked out of the back room of The Popped Cherry with his messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
“I think I’ve got it under control,” Tate said as he wiped down the bar. “You have a good break.”
“Will do,” Robbie said, and looked at his watch. “I shouldn’t be too long. It’s just down the street, and—”
“I’m sure I can manage.” Tate chuckled and flashed that pearly-white grin of his. “Just remember, every minute you’re late, your boss will dock your pay. He’s mean like that.”
Robbie rolled his eyes, Tate had never once docked his pay. He was the best boss Robbie had ever had. “You know, he is kind of a hard-ass.”
As Robbie walked by, he made a show of lingering behind Tate and dropping his eyes to emphasize exactly which ass he was referring to.
“I thought you were on your dinner break,” Tate said, and looked over his shoulder.
“I’m going. I’m just appreciating the view as I leave.”
“Uh huh.”
Robbie laughed and headed toward the back door, and as he turned the handle and shoved it open, he called out over his shoulder, “Try not to miss me too much.”
Tate shook his head and grinned. “I’ll try my very hardest.”
“See you in a bit.” Robbie waved and stepped out into the humid night air, and as it slapped him in the face, he tried to remind himself to enjoy it while he could. Soon enough, the cooler temperatures would come, and then the snow, and then the—oooh, the cuddling.
Yeah, this winter was looking up for him. Even if he had to hibernate, he didn’t think it sounded all that bad if he got to be locked in his house with Julien and Priest. In fact, he might just pray a little for that exact scenario.