Robbie leaned back slightly and put his fingers to his chest. “Who, moi?”
Julien chuckled as he let him go. “Oui, toi.”
Robbie couldn’t help his mischievous grin as his eyes shifted to Priest, who was now standing in front of the bouncer with his hand being stamped, and damn, Priest looked…awesome. Like that first night Robbie had seen them at CRUSH. Broody, commanding, and powerful, and boy did it work for him.
In jeans and a black button-up shirt, Priest wasn’t wearing anything special. But his thick forearms were bare, and Robbie couldn’t help but imagine them wrapped around him. And make no mistake, he planned to have them wound tight around him, as one of those hands moved up under his top, and the other down inside his skinny black—
Priest’s voice snapped Robbie back to the present.
“Are you ready?”
In more ways than one, Robbie thought. But since he actually wanted to experience dancing with these two tonight, he decided to keep that to himself a little longer.
“Yes,” Robbie said, and batted his lashes, and when Priest kissed his temple, a shiver of anticipation raced down Robbie’s spine.
“Then get your ass inside, before I have to fight everyone off it.”
Loving the territorial light in Priest’s eyes, Robbie touched the tip of his tongue to his top lip, and Julien muttered, “Merde.”
“Get inside, Robert,” Priest said. “Now.” And when Robbie turned to do just that with an extra swing to his hips, Priest swatted him on the ass and said, “Flirt.”
FUCKING HELL. PRIEST had known tonight was going to be a test of his self-restraint, especially after Robbie had walked out of their bathroom dressed in skinny black jeans and a black mesh top. But an hour or so in of having that tight body grinding all over him, and his cock was so damn hard he was surprised it hadn’t punched through the zipper of his jeans.
Ever since they’d stepped back into the club where they’d first pursued Robbie, to right now, as he stood at the bar taking a self-imposed timeout, Priest had been having a difficult time not giving in to his need to drag Robbie and Julien away somewhere private. But they’d promised Robbie a night out—a night out dancing, to be specific—and Priest wasn’t about to shortchange him. Especially since it was abundantly clear how much Robbie had missed it.
This was his element. It was as though the music energized Robbie, and Priest had made a mental note to make sure he and Julien brought their boyfriend out dancing more often.
The bartender slid his drink across the counter, and Priest downed it in one gulp and told his dick to calm the hell down. It would get its reward after it made it through the night, that he was sure of. But right now, he wanted to get back to his men.
Priest made his way through the sweaty sea of gyrating bodies, and as he got closer to the spot where he’d left Julien and Robbie, he spotted them when the bright lights flicked their way.
Robbie had his mesh-covered arms wound around Julien’s neck, and Julien’s hands were molded to Robbie’s ass. Their mouths were fused in a tongue-thrusting kiss, and as Priest got closer, his eyes trailed down to where their bodies met below the waist.
The pulse of the music made Priest’s cock pound even harder as he watched Robbie bump and grind against the erection Priest knew Julien was sporting, and when Julien raised his head and began to bite along Robbie’s jaw to his neck, Robbie tipped his head back and Julien’s fingers tightened on his ass.
They were unbelievably sexy together, and the only way Priest could imagine it any better was if they were stripped of their clothes.
As Priest moved closer, he detoured around behind Robbie until he was in Julien’s line of sight, and when Julien’s eyes caught on him, Priest groaned.
Jesus, Julien looked about two seconds away from dragging Robbie to the floor, and while Julien was less worried these days about keeping his relationship a national secret, fucking their boyfriend in public might still be a little too much.
Priest stopped several feet away from them and made sure to keep a distance, much like he had that first night—and just like then, Julien knew exactly what Priest was thinking.
Julien moved his mouth up to Robbie’s ear and whispered in it, and Robbie turned around and fit his tight little ass against Julien’s front. As the music switched to a song that slowed to a steady, hip-grinding beat, Julien reached for Robbie’s wrists and brought them up behind his neck, displaying their princess for Priest in the best way imaginable.
Robbie’s eyes were shut as the music coursed through him, and Julien smoothed his hands down Robbie’s sides and covered Robbie’s erection. Robbie’s sweet lips parted on a needy gasp, and Julien’s eyes searched Priest out as he spoke again in Robbie’s ear.