Julien: I can shuffle some things around. Did you have something in mind you wanted to do?

“He would kick our asses if he knew we were eating your food without him,” Priest said, finishing off his lunch.

“It’s for a good reason,” Julien said. “But I also saved him a dish, so act surprised when I give it to him tonight.”

Priest chuckled as another message came through.

Robbie: Welll, I thought it might be fun if we all went out dancing. You know, since Priest owes me.

Priest’s laughter came to an abrupt halt as he read that, and Julien grinned.

“You didn’t think you’d get out of that, did you?” Julien asked.

“I was hoping,” Priest mumbled.

“No such luck. Once he saw you with Valerie, it was all over for you. Our princesse won’t be satisfied until he’s rubbed her off your body…and mind.”

When neither of them answered right away, another message came through.

Robbie: Aww, come on. You know you want to, Priest…

As a kissy-face emoji followed, Priest shook his head. “We’re never going to be able to say no to him again now that he knows what buttons to push.”

“You’ve got a point,” Julien said as he texted back, and when Julien’s message came through, Priest said, “Traitor.”

Julien: I’d love to spend the night bumping and grinding with you and Priest.

Robbie: Mmm…think about it, Priest. You, me, and Julien, all rubbing up against each other.

Priest: I can do that every morning in the shower.

Robbie: Not to hot, sexed-up music. And not in public. That makes it even hotter.

“Fucking hell,” Priest said as he aimed his eyes at Julien. “I’m not going to win this, am I?”

Julien didn’t have to say it; Priest already knew the answer—no.

Priest: Okay. Pick a place. But can you and Julien please stop talking about grinding all over me, I’m trying to work.

“Liar,” Julien said, as he got to his feet and started to pack away the dirty containers.

Robbie: Fine. I was just going to go and get ready for work anyway. I’ll think about what moves I want to put on you in there. You know, when I’m all naked, and wet, and—

Priest: Goodbye, Robert.

Robbie: LOL…


Julien: Au revoir, princesse.

As they put their phones down, Priest said, “His parents were right: that man is a handful.”

Julien stilled, his hands in the bag. “Do you have a little more time right now?”

“Yes, why?”

“I think I just had an idea on what we could do.”


Julien sat back down in his chair and grinned. “Vraiment,” he said, and as he began to talk, Priest agreed.

Julien’s idea was perfect, and not an hour later, the two of them had put together the perfect plan to make Robert Bianchi theirs.

Chapter Fourteen

I just love his feisty mouth.

Fuck yes, I do ~ Priest

IS THERE ANYTHING sexier than the throbbing beat of a song designed to make your body vibrate, your blood pump, and your inhibitions take the night off?

Well, okay, maybe there’s two sexier things—

“Hand, please.” The burly man stationed at the front door of CRUSH interrupted Robbie’s thoughts as the couple in front of him, Julien, and Priest, disappeared inside.

Robbie offered his hand as a queen might a commoner, and when the big guy took it and pressed the stamp to the back of his palm, he winked at Robbie and said, “You’re good to go, pretty boy.”

A throat clearing behind Robbie had the man looking over his shoulder. And while Robbie had never really seen the appeal of having a possessive partner in the past, knowing that Julien and Priest were likely giving this guy a look that screamed, Back the fuck off, made not only his heart happy, but also something a little further south.

Robbie moved to the side so Julien could step forward, and as he held his hand out, it was all Robbie could do not to reach down and adjust his misbehaving cock.

Julien looked positively yummy tonight. His black pants sat low on his hips, and he’d matched them with a tight white V-neck. It molded to every lean muscle of his body, and around his tanned throat Julien had added a leather strap that made Robbie’s mouth water.

As the guy stamped Julien’s hand, Julien looked at Robbie and said, “Une princesse pimpante et un prêtre possessif. Que Dieu me vienne en aide ce soir.”

Seriously, could he get any hotter?

After months spent with his Frenchman, and taking some online courses, Robbie caught most of what he’d said—or, at least, he thought he did: A pretty princess and a possessive priest. God help me tonight.

But Robbie was more inclined to phrase it like: A sexy Frenchman and a sinful-looking Priest. God, please turn a blind eye tonight.

Because he was not about to behave himself once he got them inside.

As the bouncer said, “You’re good,” Robbie grinned at Julien and held his hand out. When Julien took it, he tugged Robbie forward and said against his ear, “You’re going to drive us crazy in there, aren’t you?”