“I think that’s sufficiently grateful,” Julien said. “Any more and lunch won’t be what you are eating.”

Priest smiled as Julien moved back to the other side of his desk, but before he sat down, he pulled out two round containers and put one in front of Priest along with a bottle of water and his utensils. “Today you are eating Blanquette de veau.”

“Which is?”

“In layman’s terms?” Julien said. “A veal and vegetable stew of sorts, cooked in a heavy cream sauce.”

Once they were settled and had uncovered their meals, Priest took a deep inhale and said, “Everyone on this floor is about to hate me. This smells fantastic, Julien.”

“Bien. A happy wife means a happy life.”

Priest raised an eyebrow, and when Julien laughed, Priest said, “No wives allowed. But speaking of marriage, let’s see if we can come to an agreement on how we want to ask Robbie to join ours.”

PRIEST PICKED UP the fork and took his first bite. As the delicious flavors hit his taste buds, he hummed. The dish was incredible. Actually, it reminded him a lot of the chef who had made it. It was warm, rich, creamy, and very French, and when he looked across his desk to see Julien watching his every move, Priest said, “This is divine.”

A pleased expression crossed Julien’s face, and Priest loved the fact that, even to this day, after all the accolades and training, this talented man still looked to him for approval.

“That makes me happy,” Julien said, as if he could somehow read Priest’s mind.

“I know. And that, in turn, makes me happy.”

“Of course it does,” Julien said as he picked up his own fork and began to eat. “Have you given any more thought to what we could do for Robbie?”

Priest nodded as he reached for the bottle of water and twisted off the lid. “A little bit. What about you?”

“The same. I feel like however we do it, it should be—”

“Big?” Priest suggested, remembering just how much Robbie enjoyed a grand gesture.

“Not necessarily big,” Julien said, and then took another bite of food. “But certainly something memorable.”

“Agreed. And something he won’t guess.”

Julien nodded as he picked up the baguette he’d brought and ripped off the end. As he dunked it into the sauce and took a bite, Priest said, “I think we can safely cross off singing.”

Julien swallowed and brought his hand to his mouth as he laughed. “Especially if we want him to say yes.”

Priest glared at his husband. “I meant because we’d already done it. But thank you for that, Julien.”

“Je t’en prie,” Julien said. “We could go on a vacation.”

“I thought about that too,” Priest said. “But he might think something’s up if we plan a getaway out of the blue.”

“You’re right. Maybe we can save that for the honeymoon. Paris?”

Priest’s cock jerked at the way that city’s name sounded falling off Julien’s tongue, and as he shifted in his seat, Julien’s mouth curved into a sensual smile.

Just thinking about the three of them spending a week or two in that city had Priest wanting to pick up his phone to book the tickets. “That is a marvelous idea, Mr. Thornton.”

“I think so. I’d like to show our princesse my home country, and enjoy the both of you as only the French can.”

“Jesus, Julien. Stop looking at me like that.”

“I’m just eating my lunch.”

“You’re playing with fire is what you’re doing.”

“My apologies. Let’s get back to what we were discussing.”

Priest shifted on his seat again, and Julien’s warm chuckle filled the room.

“Keep it up, mon cœur…” Priest said.

“I think I already am.”

Priest gritted his teeth and reached for the baguette. As he ripped a piece off and tried to satisfy at least one of his hungers, Julien said, “Okay. Tell me some of the things you were thinking.”

Priest finished his mouthful and looked at the notepad on his desk. A get-together with family, a private dinner, a big announcement somewhere public. But none of that seemed right now, and they both wanted this perfect for Robbie.

“I don’t like any of these,” Priest admitted, and then both of their phones chimed.

Robbie: Since I have to work this weekend, how about we make date night tomorrow night?

With the three of them having such busy schedules, they’d decided early in their relationship that one night a week, the three of them would go out somewhere on a date. If it fell on Robbie’s weekend, they generally picked a night he was free during the week. They could go anywhere, do anything—all that was required was that all three of them be there.

Priest and Julien reached for their phones at the same time.

Priest: Sounds good, sweetheart. Julien? Are you free?

Julien eyed him over the desk. “You’re bad.”

Priest smirked and took another bite of his food as Julien typed.