“Joel?” Julien knew the second his voice found his husband, because Priest took a step closer to the bed and pushed a hand into the open zipper of his jeans.

Putain. He is not going to make this easy on us.

“Oui, Julien?”

Julien reached for the buttons of his shirt and undid it, and Priest watched avidly as Julien shrugged out of it and draped it over the small accent chair beside Robbie.

Priest’s gaze then travelled to their princess, who also had a hand pressed between his legs, and when Priest licked his lips, everyone in the room knew exactly what he wanted.

“Joel?” Julien said, then crooked a finger. “Viens ici.”

Priest didn’t even hesitate. He put a knee on the mattress, and when Julien mirrored him, Priest smirked, thinking he’d won.

As Julien moved closer, he noticed Priest sway a little, and he could tell the alcohol was starting to slow him down, the buzz having turned to more of a hum as Priest aimed his sex-drunk eyes up at Robbie and said, “You should come too, pretty princess.”

“Shit,” Robbie whispered.

Julien was about to tell Priest to quit it and lie down. But before he could, Priest’s eyes fluttered shut and he pitched to the side, and before Julien could grab him, he fell on the mattress.

“Oh my God,” Robbie said as he scrambled up onto the bed. “Is he okay?”

Julien studied Priest’s closed eyes and relaxed face. Somehow, Priest had managed not to face-plant into the mattress, and his cheek was now squished into the pillow. His breathing was even, and he looked so peaceful that Julien couldn’t help but run his fingers across the hair now flopping down on Priest’s forehead.

“I think he’s just fine,” Julien said. “But tomorrow might be a whole other story.”

“Right?” Robbie said, a grin spreading. “Priest is a total flirt when he drinks. Who knew?”

Julien chuckled. “He is, isn’t he?”

“Uh, yeah.” Robbie let out a sigh and looked down at his lap. “Falling asleep is not going to be the easiest thing right now.”

Julien kissed Robbie and said, “No, it’s going to be very hard. For the both of us.”

Robbie’s gaze roamed down to the erection Julien didn’t even bother trying to hide. “He so owes us for this.”

“I think you might be right,” Julien said. “How about we get in bed and dream up ways to make him pay.”

“I like the way you think,” Robbie said, and wound his arms around Julien’s neck. “And the way you smell, and taste, and feel.”

Julien pulled back and shook his head. “You’re as bad as he is. Sleep. Now. Allez!”

“Fine,” Robbie said, and got out of bed and quickly changed into his pajamas. “But let it be noted that I don’t like this no-sexy-time rule when we’re around my family. We need to work on that.”

“Noted,” Julien said as he got beneath the covers in the middle of the bed.

Robbie flicked off the light and scooted in until he was plastered up against Julien with a leg slung over his thigh. “I do, however, love this queen-sized bed.”

Julien prayed for patience as his cock kicked in response to Robbie, who was squirming up against his side. Dieu, between these two, he’d be lucky if he got an hour’s sleep. “Bonne nuit, princesse.”

But the only response Julien got was the soft, even breathing of his two men, who were already in a deep, peaceful slumber.

Chapter Twelve

I want it all,

and I want it my way ~ Priest

JULIEN STOOD AT the vanity in the guest bathroom the following morning waiting for the water to heat up. He’d woken around ten minutes earlier, his body still set on an internal alarm of early.

Last night had been wonderful. Robbie’s family was amazing. From his sisters to his parents, each and every one of them were boisterous, loving, and just plain good fun. They were exactly as Julien had imagined Robbie’s family would be.

As the water turned lukewarm, Julien put the plug in and filled the basin, and when he went to reach for his shaving cream, he saw the door to the en suite open and Priest fill the doorway.

With his auburn hair sticking out all over the place, Priest winced against the bright light of the bathroom and clutched at his head. He looked…terrible, and he staggered into the room, shut the door behind him, and slumped back against it.

Julien couldn’t stop his grin as he stared at his husband in the mirror, and when Priest’s eyes finally adjusted to the light, they found his.

“Bonjour,” Julien said. “You’re up early.”

Priest rubbed at his eyes. “The drumming in my head woke me up.”

Julien chuckled as he shook the shaving cream and squirted some into his palm. “Just drumming? With the amount of alcohol you consumed last night, I’m surprised you don’t have a full-on marching band playing in there.”