Robbie’s breath left him in a rush. His jaw about hitting the floor when he realized Priest was stopping. “But…but it’s my birthday.”
Priest chuckled at Robbie’s put-out tone and took in his swollen lips, flushed face, and that long, stiff cock he had no hope of hiding in his tiny pink thong.
“Not yet it’s not,” Priest reminded him. “And Julien and I have decided a little birthday game is in order tonight.”
“A game?” Robbie said, his interest clearly piqued. “What kind of game?”
“If you can behave yourself until your actual birthday, then you can have anything your heart desires.”
That piece of information got Robbie’s attention. One of his perfectly shaped eyebrows arched, and he eyed Priest in a way that made him think that Robbie was now imagining about a hundred different things he wanted, and planned, to ask for.
“Anything. Provided you can keep your hands off this.” Priest cupped Robbie’s erection and squeezed. “Do you understand?”
Robbie bit his bottom lip as he sized Priest up, clearly weighing the pros and cons of this little game—then he nodded.
Priest crowded in, trapping his hand between them, and then whispered in Robbie’s ear, “That means no sneaking off to take care of this. No matter how much you might want to.”
“Oh God,” Robbie said, his eyes opening as he writhed against Priest’s hand. “So basically, you’re both going to torture me all night.”
Priest’s lips quirked. “Yes, but in the best way ever. Happy birthday.”
Robbie’s eyes glittered with arousal and frustration, as Priest dropped his hands and walked back to the dresser where the drinks sat.
“Now why don’t we go and make this afternoon just as hard on Julien?” Priest suggested. “You strutting around in this scrap of material is going to be a lesson in restraint for all of us.”
“Serves you right,” Robbie said, and flashed an unholy grin as he sashayed by Priest, who was seriously questioning his own sanity.
“Since you’re so into self-denial and all of that,” Robbie said, “you can follow me up the stairs. Enjoy the view, and just remember, you could’ve had it right here, right now. Your loss.”
Robbie made his way up the stairs, adding an extra swing to his hips, and Priest climbed the stairs, two at a time, after him.
THE SUN WARMED Julien as his mind began to relax along with his body, and he waited for his men to come back upstairs and join him. Now that he was home from his weekly meeting with his therapist, he was ready to enjoy the weekend.
He couldn’t believe how fast the last few months had passed, or the fact they were now fully settled into their new house. But here they were, mid-August, about to celebrate Robbie’s thirtieth birthday, and the six months since they’d asked their princesse to make the huge commitment of buying a new house with them.
Things finally felt like they were back on track. However, there was one last thing that was unfinished. Something that Julien and Priest planned to discuss with Robbie very soon. But before they could, they needed Robbie to do something. They needed him to—
“Don’t grumble at me,” Robbie said, as he pushed open the door to the deck and appeared in far less than what he’d left in minutes earlier. “You’re the one who put the rules in place.”
Priest was barely a step behind him, and as Julien took in the tiny string of pink fabric that clung to Robbie’s hips, Julien’s mind blanked and his body reacted with the same hunger he could see swirling in Priest’s eyes.
“Mon Dieu.” Julien took his sunglasses off. “Viens ici, princesse.”
Julien sat up and spread his legs on either side of the lounger, and waited for that delectable body to be within touching range. When Robbie came to a stop beside him, Julien ran a finger up the length of the erection that thong was doing nothing to conceal.
“I don’t want to alarm you,” Julien said. “But it appears you bought the wrong size.”
“Blame Priest. He made them a little…tighter than they should be,” Robbie said, and glanced over his shoulder to where Priest had put down the drinks and was walking around to the deep end of the pool.
Ahh. Operation drive-their-princesse-crazy was now in full effect. The little birthday game Julien and Priest had come up with. “Did he?”
“Yes,” Robbie said with a pout. “Teased me mercilessly, he did, and then left me hot, hard, and all kinds of bothered.”
From across the deck, Priest laughed at the accusation, clearly not repentant at all as Julien swung his leg over the lounger and got to his feet.
“That wasn’t very nice of him,” Julien said, as his eyes found his husband’s.
“Nice wasn’t exactly my mood when I walked into our bedroom and found him on his hands and knees,” Priest replied.