Not willing to let a hormonal pregnant woman out of his sight, Julien followed, thinking he might run into Robbie along the way. But as she disappeared around the side of the house where there were no lights, Julien saw her take a seat on a concrete step and moved until he could take the spot beside her.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Penny put her face in her hands. “Not really.”
“Okay,” Julien said, and when he remained silent, she looked at him.
“That’s it?” she asked. Confused, Julien frowned, and she cracked a half smile. “Usually when someone in our family asks that and you say no, they give you a few seconds then launch a barrage of questions anyway.”
Julien grinned and shrugged. “If you don’t want to talk, who am I to make you?”
“My brother’s married boyfriend?”
Julien let out a bark of laughter, enjoying himself immensely. “Oui, I am that. But don’t start pointing fingers, or I might.”
Penny laughed along with him, and then shook her head. “I’m a mess. I can’t believe I just went off like that.”
“You’re upset,” Julien said. “I assume he knows?”
Penny nodded. “He knows. But no one else does. I mean, except Felicity, Val, and Robbie. Ugh, one stupid night is going to ruin a lifetime of our families being close. God. I’m such a coward.”
“Non,” Julien said. “You’re not ready. That’s all.”
Penny turned her face toward him, and her eyes were so like Robbie’s that Julien said, “You remind me so much of your brother.”
“Because we’ve both brought scandal to the Bianchi name?”
Julien grinned. “Non. You both follow your hearts. No matter the consequences. That’s brave.”
“Or stupid.”
“No one said being brave was smart. That’s why it’s brave. It takes courage to go after what you want.”
Penny narrowed her eyes. “Do you really love two men?”
Julien couldn’t help but think this was more her wondering about Jack than himself. But he answered her anyway. “I do. Very much.”
Closing her eyes, Penny put a hand on her belly and whispered, “I wish things could be as easy as that for us.”
Julien studied her as she sat in the moonlight, and when a tear ran down her cheek, he said, “Maybe it will be, in time.”
“Maybe,” she said, and then aimed a halfhearted smile at him. “But can you promise me something?” When Julien nodded, Penny locked eyes with him and said, “Make sure Robbie knows that he’s just as important to the both of you as the piece of paper you share with Priest.”
As Julien sat there on the Bianchis’ back step, he saw a flash of Jacquelyn in her direct stare, and found himself nodding. This weekend he felt as though he’d found a part of himself that had been missing, and he knew that was because of the women in this house, that sisterly love that was in such abundance for their brother, and he was positive he would’ve done anything to make Robbie’s sister happy in that moment. But this, he already had in the bag—it was one of the main reasons he and Priest had wanted this weekend to happen.
“You have my word,” he said, and when she startled, Julien jumped, and Penny began to laugh.
“I’m sorry. She kicked,” she said, and shifted her hand on her belly to feel it again. “Give me your hand.”
Julien’s eyes widened, and he shook his head.
“Oh, come on. You’re practically family. You’re probably going to be one of this kid’s uncles. Feel her kick.”
Julien let her pull his hand over to her swollen stomach, and a firm little jab whacked out at his palm. Penny started laughing again.
“You look horrified.”
“I am,” Julien admitted. “Doesn’t that hurt?”
“Does what hurt?” Robbie said from behind them, and Julien turned to see him and Felicity walking through the French doors of the living room.
As the noise spilled out into the small courtyard, Penny said, “Hurry up and shut the door.”
“What are you two doing out here?” Felicity asked.
“Hiding,” Penny replied. “And then the baby started to kick and freaked out the gay man.”
Julien’s mouth fell open, but before he could defend himself, Robbie dropped down on his knees beside his sister and said, “I want to feel.”
Penny took his hand and placed it in the same spot Julien’s had just been, and when the baby kicked again, his eyes flew to Julien’s.
“Oh my God,” Robbie said. “That’s so weird.”
“Weird?” Penny said. “How about magical? Wondrous?”
The baby kicked again. “Weird.” Robbie laughed. “It’s weirdly wonderful. How’s that?”
Penny rolled her eyes, but it was clear she was pleased. “That’ll do.”
“So who are you hiding from?” Robbie asked.
“Jack,” Penny said, as Felicity guessed, “Valerie?”
“Valerie?” Penny said. “Why would I be hiding from Valerie?”
“Wait,” Robbie said. “Jack’s here? Are you kidding me? He has some fucking balls. I mean, I assume. You would know better than me.”