Robbie stepped around Priest and began pacing the length of the guest room. Back and forth. Back and forth. “Ugh, it’s just… I know everyone’s going to be watching me tonight.”

“And this is a problem for you?” Priest said as he halted Robbie. “You’ve never had an issue being the center of attention. Last time I checked, that’s where you’re the most comfortable. What’s really going on here? Your parents have been incredibly welcoming this weekend, as have your sisters.”

Robbie scrunched his nose. “I know. But the rest of my family has always looked at me like the loud, out-there gay relative, who was super amusing but never taken seriously. And tonight, I…I don’t want to embarrass you or Julien.”

Priest’s heart softened, but that was the only thing. “Sweetheart, have you met your family? They’re not exactly a quiet, retiring bunch.”

How Robbie thought he could embarrass them by being himself was beyond Priest. But it was time to make sure he understood and realized how extremely proud Priest and Julien were to be his. It was time to give Robbie something else to think about.

Priest ran a finger down one of Robbie’s suspenders, and then he slipped it behind the elastic, smoothed it back up to mid-chest, and tugged on it. “Come closer.”

“Any closer and I’ll be— Oh,” Robbie said, as Priest wound his other arm around Robbie’s waist and pulled him against his close-to-naked body.

Priest ran his eyes all over Robbie’s beautiful face. “You’ll be exactly where I want you. You look beautiful tonight. Pretty eyes, shiny lips.” Priest brought a hand up and ran his thumb along the seam of Robbie’s mouth. “Open them for me.” Robbie’s lips parted, and when Priest slipped his thumb inside, he said, “Suck.”

Robbie’s cheeks hollowed out as he swirled his tongue around Priest’s thumb, and a growl rumbled in Priest’s throat.

“Take my towel off,” Priest said as he slid a hand down to cup Robbie’s ass, and when Robbie’s fingers slipped behind the knot and pulled the towel free, Priest hauled his delectable body back in close.

Priest dragged his thumb free of Robbie’s mouth until he was holding his chin in a firm grip. He angled Robbie’s head to where he could see all the lovely lines of his face, and then Priest put his lips by Robbie’s temple and said, “You could never embarrass me or Julien.”

“I just—”

“No,” Priest said firmly. He wouldn’t have Robbie cutting himself down. “You listen to me. You are an incredible man. Smart, caring, and unbelievably sexy.” Priest looked into Robbie’s dark blue eyes. “Do you know how I know that?”

Robbie shook his head. “No.”

“Because you’re mine, and I love you.” Priest thrust his hips forward and, when Robbie whimpered, added, “And I don’t like anyone. So that must make you pretty fucking special.”

“Oh shit,” Robbie said as Priest walked him back to the wall and planted a hand by Robbie’s head.

“I don’t want to hear you say another bad thing about yourself. Do you understand me?”

Robbie nodded and wound his leg around Priest’s thigh, as he jammed his covered erection up against Priest’s naked one.

“You’re going to go down to your party, be your usual delightful self, and I am going to spend the whole night wishing I didn’t have any objections to fucking you in your parents’ house.”

“Technically we’re not in their house,” Robbie said as he rubbed himself a little harder against Priest.

“No,” Priest said.

“What if I ask really nicely?” Robbie said, and batted his lashes. Good—Robbie had clearly forgotten why he’d come up there in the first place, and that had been Priest’s goal.

“Still no,” Priest said, but couldn’t stop himself from grabbing hold of Robbie’s ass and really grinding his dick up against his soft pants. “I’m trying really hard to let you walk out of here without messing you up.”

“Mess me up,” Robbie said. “I don’t care.”

“I do,” Priest said, and nipped at Robbie’s lower lip. “I want your parents to like us. That means respecting them, which means”—Priest reluctantly let Robbie go—“you need to leave. Now.”

Robbie lowered his eyes to Priest’s very erect cock and said, “Are you su—”

“Yes. Jesus, Robert,” Priest said. “Give me a break here.”

As Robbie slipped out from between him and the wall, Priest hung his head and started to count back from one hundred, and right about the time he thought he was somewhat under control, he heard, “Priest?”

Priest looked over his shoulder to see Robbie’s eyes all but sparkling.


“I think you’re really special too.”

“Fuck.” Priest wrapped a hand around the base of his dick and groaned, and knew he was about to head back to the shower he’d just left. “Get out of here, flirt.”

Robbie bit on his lip, opened the door, and left. And somehow, Priest had a feeling Robbie was no longer thinking about how he would embarrass Priest or Julien, but more likely how he’d keep his hands to himself.