Robbie raised a hand and wiped away the tear that had fallen free, relief clearly overwhelming him as it finally sank in that his world wasn’t about to explode because the two halves of it had met.

“Even if one of my sisters wants to get in your pants?”

“Well, we can’t hold her good taste against her now, can we?” Priest said with such a serious expression that Julien couldn’t help but chuckle, and Robbie started laughing and flopped back on the mattress.

As they all lay side by side, their fingers entwined, Robbie blew out a breath and said, “God, I can’t believe that just happened. That you both just met my family.”

Julien winked at Robbie. “And survived.”

“The first round, anyway,” Robbie said. “Pa wasn’t lying. My ma and sisters are going to drive you crazy over the next few days.”

“Bring it on,” Priest said. “Don’t you worry about us. We’re not going anywhere.”

Robbie bit his lip, stared up at the ceiling, and said under his breath, “I’ve never been happier in my entire life.”

Julien rolled onto his side and kissed Robbie’s cheek. “Bien.”

“Mhmm,” Robbie said, and turned to kiss Julien. “And you know what I just realized?”

“What’s that?” Julien said.

“This bed is a queen-sized.”

Their conversation from the night of Robbie’s birthday came flooding back, and as they started to laugh, Julien and Priest rolled into Robbie’s side and kissed him until he dissolved into a fit of giggles.

Chapter Ten

Don’t let the hormonal

pregnant woman out of your sight.

This is advice I never thought

I’d have to take ~ Julien

THE STEADY HUM of music pounded beneath Priest’s feet as he walked out of the en suite and into the guest room to get his clothes for the night.

The music and dance floor for the evening had been set up in the empty garage and driveway below, while food and drink were being handled inside. Julien and Robbie had headed downstairs around thirty minutes ago after Priest volunteered to use the shower last, and it was now closing in on eight. Robbie’s thirtieth birthday party was due to begin at any moment—and Priest was looking forward to seeing Robbie surrounded by a family who clearly adored him.

Somehow, Priest and Julien had survived the last twenty-four hours without any threats to their well-being. They’d made it through their first night’s dinner before passing out from such a long day, and today they’d been helping with the flurry of activity to get the home fit for a party that would celebrate the favorite Bianchi—and yes, it was very clear that Robbie was everyone’s favorite.

Priest picked up his jeans and light knit top and was about to head back into the bathroom when the door to the guest room opened and Robbie slipped inside. Priest had already been showering when Robbie had gotten dressed, but as he shut the door behind him now, Priest took a moment to drink in the man in front of him.

Robbie was dressed in a pair of lightweight grey pants, paired with a three-quarter-sleeve cream V-neck that was made of linen. But what really tied the outfit together, and made it uniquely Robbie, were the loose suspenders over his shoulders.

Tied probably wasn’t a word Priest should be thinking about while looking at them, though. Not if they were going to get down to the party anytime soon, because with his hair styled back from his face, and his eyes lined and lips glossed, Robbie had Priest’s cock hard in an instant.

“Oh, ah, hey,” Robbie said, as he took in Priest’s half-naked state, and then flashed a smile—a forced smile, Priest noted.

“Hey,” Priest said as he brought his clothes in front of him, not wanting to distract Robbie from whatever it was he’d come up there for. “Where’s Julien?”

“Downstairs with Ma and the girls. I think they’ve decided to keep him.”

“Well too bad,” Priest said. “He’s already spoken for—two times over.”

Robbie nodded, and then glanced over his shoulder to look out the small window in the door. “Everyone’s starting to get here.”

Priest sized Robbie up, and his eyes wandered to the hands he was wiping on the sides of his pants. He was nervous again, but Priest wasn’t sure why. Robbie had already tackled the major obstacle for the weekend—his parents. So what was this all about?

Priest walked over to Robbie. “If everyone’s starting to arrive, then why are you up here?”

Robbie worried his shiny lip, and then gave what Priest knew he hoped was a convincing smile. “I came to check you were all right and, you know, help you get dressed.”

“Nice try. But we already decided you were off the hook in that department around your family. We already present a less-than-normal front. So I don’t think you excused yourself to help me button my pants. Why are you really up here?”