“Relax,” Priest said by Robbie’s ear. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this nervous.”
Robbie’s head snapped to the side, and he pinned Priest with a stare. “Thank you for pointing that out, Mr. Priestley.”
When Priest’s lips curved, Robbie shook his head and pointed. “Stop that.”
“Smiling at me. I told you, you look all wolfish.”
Priest leaned in until barely an inch separated them, and said in a voice designed to tantalize, “Get through this and I’ll eat you later for dessert.”
Robbie shook his head. “Mean. That was just mean.”
Julien smoothed his hand along the thigh that Robbie was bouncing up and down. “Why are you so nervous, princesse? You said yourself your family knows who you are. I can’t imagine your father is clueless.”
“No, he isn’t. That’s the thing,” Robbie said. “He was so amazing when I came out. Never once made me feel that I was any different from anyone else, even though he’s a—” Robbie laughed. “A total Italian. And by that, I mean boisterous, loud, and very Catholic. I just…” Robbie sighed. “I don’t think he ever expected something like this.” Robbie gestured to the three of them.
Priest eyed him. “You’re worried this will be too much for him.”
“No.” Robbie chewed on the corner of his lip and then whispered, “Yes.”
Julien brought Robbie’s hand up to his lips, and Robbie shut his eyes and tried to calm his hammering heart. “Let’s take it one step at a time, oui? Priest and I will follow your lead.”
Robbie nodded, and as Priest ran a hand up his back, he let his eyes fall shut. Okay, maybe I can do this. But when the sound of the back door opening met his ears, Robbie stiffened and shot to his feet. Or maybe I can just run now and never come back.
He could feel both Julien’s and Priest’s eyes on him and wished he could calm the hell down, but yeah, that ship had sailed.
As the familiar, heavy sound of his father’s footsteps got closer, Robbie reminded himself of his father’s words when he’d come out.
“I don’t care if you like girls or boys, wear blue or pink. You are my son, Robert. My son. I will always be proud of who you are and who you’re going to become. I’m especially proud of how brave you are being right now…”
Robbie wondered if his father would feel the same way when he was face to face with the reality of who exactly Robbie had become.
His mother entered the living room first, and as she did, Robbie heard Julien and Priest get to their feet. Shit. Shit. Shit. Just breathe. Don’t forget to breathe.
“You don’t have to do that. Sit, please,” she said as she waved both men down to the couch, but neither moved, and Robbie knew that had everything to do with the next person who entered the room—his father.
As tall as he was, but with broader shoulders, Robbie had always thought his father larger than life, and when he walked into the room and his piercing brown eyes swept over the scene, Robbie swallowed a nervous gulp of air.
Oh Jesus. What is he thinking? Say something, Robbie told himself. Say anything.
But as the silent seconds passed, and his father took the measure of the two men standing behind him, Robbie lost the ability to speak.
He wasn’t sure how long they all stood there, but after what felt like hours, his father’s eyes found his, and he walked across the room and said, “Hey there, gorgeous. It’s about time you got your ass back home.”
As he pulled Robbie into a warm embrace, Robbie wound his arms around him and closed his eyes. Then his father kissed his cheek and said in his ear, “You ever avoid this house or your mother again, I’m going to give away all your clothes to Goodwill.”
Robbie pulled back, his mouth dropping open. “You wouldn’t dare.”
His father shrugged. “You make my lady sad, I make you sad, pal. We came to that agreement years ago, remember?”
Robbie lowered his eyes, shame flooding him. Nothing cut deeper than knowing he’d hurt his ma, and as he turned in her direction, she said, “It’s all water under the bridge. The important thing is that you’re here now.”
“Just remember what I said,” his father said, and as Robbie nodded, he caught Felicity poking her head around the corner from the hallway. He glared at her. “Now, why don’t you introduce me to your guests,” Pa said.
Robbie brought his attention back to his father and searched for any sign of disapproval. But all he saw was curiosity. Deciding it was now or never to just lay it all out there, Robbie stood beside his father, and when he caught sight of Julien and Priest side by side, his breath caught in his throat.