As he opened the freezer to get out some ice, he heard Robbie switch on some music and smiled at the throbbing beat that was now coming from the bedroom. It was, in a word, horrible. Yet one of the things he looked forward to hearing every single day.

Priest was forever thankful for the man who was likely dancing around in the room above him, and the one who was relaxing up on their deck, and it was moments like this that reminded him how lucky he was to have them in his life—and just how damn close he’d come to losing them.

Most days, the three of them were back to a fairly normal routine. Well, as normal as people could be after one was kidnapped, the other shot, and the other left waiting to know the outcome of such a horrible night.

But once the finality of Jimmy’s death had sunk in, they’d decided they needed a fresh start, and after finding this place, the three of them had begun to establish a sense of security again. A stable ground on which they could finally nurture and grow this relationship between them. Something Priest and Julien planned to discuss further with Robbie this weekend.

Priest put the drinks on a tray and, after cleaning up, headed upstairs to see if Robbie was ready. As he neared the bedroom, the music became louder, and when he walked inside, the sight that greeted him had Priest stopping in his tracks.

Down on his hands and knees, his delectable ass in the air, Robbie was peering under the bed in search of something. Priest put the tray down on the dresser and walked across the hardwood floor, and once he was directly behind Robbie, he said, “Lose something?”

Robbie’s head snapped up as he looked back at Priest over his shoulder, and then frowned. “Yes, my flip-flops. Have you seen them?”

No, no, he had not. But that didn’t stop Priest from saying, “I think I saw them on Julien’s side of the bed the other day.”

Lies. All lies. But with Robbie’s tight ass on full display, save the strip of material bisecting it, could anyone blame him? And Priest’s words had the desired effect. Robbie moved back to his hands and knees and crawled around the foot of the bed to Julien’s side.

“I don’t see them,” Robbie complained, but Priest had stopped listening. “Priest? Priest? I don’t—” As Robbie looked back and caught where Priest was focused, Robbie arched an eyebrow. “Did you really see my flip-flops under here?”

“What do you think?” Priest said, as Robbie got to his feet and strutted over to him.

“I think,” Robbie said, and licked his lower lip, “that you like the swim shorts I bought today.”


“Yes, Priest?”

“These are not shorts. There is no back to them.”

“There’s a back,” Robbie said, and then slowly pivoted until his very naked one was only inches from Priest. “My back.”

Priest placed his hands on Robbie’s hips, and then tugged him backward to fit his hardening length against the thin strip of material wedged between Robbie’s ass cheeks. “Has Julien seen these yet?” Priest growled.

“No,” Robbie said, as he squirmed against Priest’s cock, and Priest dug his fingers into Robbie’s soft flesh and spun him around. “I bought them especially for my birthday. You like?”

Priest walked Robbie backward until his ass hit the wall. “Can’t you tell?”

Robbie aimed a mischievous look at Priest from beneath his lashes. “I can, but a boy never grows tired of hearing the words.”

Robbie reached for the button of Priest’s shorts, but Priest was quicker. He wrapped his fingers around Robbie’s wandering hand and drew it up over his head, pinning it to the wall. Then he did the same with the other, until the handsy little minx was secure.

“I don’t like,” Priest said, and lowered his mouth until it was a whisper above Robbie’s. “I love. Your swim shorts, your lip gloss, this god-awful music. But most of all…” Robbie’s blue eyes darkened as Priest fingered the leather strap at his wrist. “I love that you’re mine and Julien’s.”

Robbie shivered, and Priest leaned in and dragged his tongue along Robbie’s bicep to his elbow. “Ah… Shit, Priest,” Robbie said, as his head fell back against the wall, and Priest nipped at the tender skin at the crook of Robbie’s arm.

Robbie rolled his hips forward, rubbing his erection against Priest’s thigh, and when a moan escaped him, Priest growled.

“Between you in these, and Julien…” Priest brought his mouth back to Robbie’s. “I don’t know who is more fucking trouble.”

Robbie panted against Priest’s lips. “You love us anyway.”

“Yes, I do. But you know what else I love?” Priest trailed the backs of his fingers down one of Robbie’s arms, then he let go and took a step back. “I love making you wait for it.”