The girls nodded, and Robbie stood beside Julien and Priest.

As his mother pulled open the door, she aimed one final look across the kitchen to where her son stood with his “guests,” and then headed outside to greet her husband.

AS THE BACK door slapped shut against the side of the house, Robbie jumped, and Valerie flew across the kitchen to join Penny and Felicity, who were now peering out the side window.

Priest looked at Julien, who grimaced, and then they both turned to Robbie, who seemed frozen to the spot by the tension that had just blasted through the kitchen like an arctic wind.

Up until now, things in the Bianchi family had been fairly relaxed with Priest and Julien. Robbie’s mother had invited them into her home, introduced them to her daughters, and then put them to work in her kitchen. But in the back of Priest’s mind, this was the moment they had all been waiting for. The moment when they would finally get to meet the missing Bianchi, Robbie’s father.

They didn’t really know a lot about him, Robbie didn’t talk as much about his father as he did his mother and sisters. But Priest didn’t take that as a slight toward the man, because whenever Robbie did talk of him, it was always with affection and a proud edge to his voice that made Priest…curious.

As Julien wiped his hands on the dishtowel, he leaned into Robbie until their sides brushed and said under his breath, “Est-ce que tu vas bien?”

One thing Priest had come to admire about Robbie over the course of knowing him was his strength of self, and he had to believe it came from the people in this house. So he was very interested in how this was all about to go down.

“I, uh, yeah,” Robbie said, and then nodded a little too fast. “I’m okay.”

“Good,” Priest said, and placed a hand on Robbie’s back. “I think it’s important that your parents have this moment without us there at first.”

“I agree,” Julien said. “I don’t want them to feel they have to put on an act just because we’re in the room.”

“I know,” Robbie said, but his voice cracked a little. “Pa’s just… I just don’t want to disappoint him.”

Julien trailed a fingertip under Robbie’s chin. “Mon cher petit. I don’t think you could disappoint anyone.”

“Ugh,” Robbie said, and turned toward Julien to rest his forehead on his shoulder. “Then why am I so nervous? Maybe I should just go out there and talk to them.”

“Non. Non. I think it’s best you stay here and help me keep a certain little blonde and her piping bag at bay. I think someone has a crush on our Priest.”

Priest let out an inelegant sound, and his eyes shifted to the three women chatting amongst themselves over at the window.

Robbie’s sisters were so incredibly different from one another, and yet so lively and animated, just as he was. They never stopped smiling or joking around with one another, and that love of life, that enthusiasm to welcome strangers into their house, made it clear why Robbie had turned into such a vibrant man. This environment he’d grown up in had nurtured a kind, joyful soul and was the very thing Julien and Priest loved most about him.

“Sorry we’re being so rude,” Penny, the oldest—and pregnant—sister said, when she spotted Priest looking their way. Then she crossed over to the three of them.

She was a beautiful woman, the pregnancy not diminishing that in the slightest. She had the same dainty cheekbones and blue eyes as Robbie and their mother, whereas his other two sisters had more cherubic faces with rich brown eyes.

“I didn’t even properly introduce myself. I’m Penny, Robbie’s oldest sister. And I know who you are,” she said as she flashed a smile at Julien. “Mr. Thornton.”

“Call me Julien. Please.”

“I’m so disappointed I wasn’t able to come to your restaurant’s opening, but…” She gestured to her swollen belly, and Julien chuckled.

“There’s no need to be disappointed,” Julien said. “You have an open invitation. Whenever you come to Chicago, let us know and I’ll make sure there’s a table available.”

“Are you kidding?” Valerie said, as both her and Felicity joined them on their side of the kitchen.

“Non,” Julien said, and ran a hand down Robbie’s arm. “Any family of Robbie’s is always welcome at JULIEN. At any location.”

Valerie brought a hand up to cover her chest and sighed, much the same way Robbie did whenever he was caught in Julien’s spell.

“Robbie said there’s even a table that overlooks the kitchen,” Felicity said. “For private dining.”

Priest didn’t miss the mischievous light in Felicity’s eyes as she winked at her brother, and if he had to lay bets, he’d guess that Robbie had filled her in on their first date, and just how private that room could be.