Julien ran his eyes over Robbie, and as his gaze lingered on the flirt’s lips, Julien’s eyes darkened. Priest knew by the end of the night that all three of them were going to be up on each other in one way or another—and he couldn’t wait.
“Then I think you can have anything you want,” Julien said. “That was the deal, and if you want a whole scenario, then you should get it.”
Robbie grinned like a fiend as he sat back in his chair and looked at Priest. “Best birthday game ever.”
No one disagreed. In fact, with the way the night was going, Priest had a feeling that this little game of theirs just might become a household tradition.
WHEN THE MEAL came to an end, Julien watched as Priest got to his feet and picked up Robbie’s plate before heading around to collect his. As he reached Julien’s side, Priest leaned down to kiss his cheek and said, “Superb, as always.”
“Merci,” Julien said, and smiled when Priest pressed a harder kiss to his mouth. Julien reached up to hold Priest to him, and when Priest’s tongue rubbed up along his, Julien groaned.
Priest growled against his lips before he raised his head, and when they looked over to Robbie, he said, “Why’d you two stop?”
Priest chuckled at Robbie’s frustrated tone. “Because you haven’t won yet.”
Robbie frowned as he looked at the clock. “Close enough.”
“Yet still so far away,” Priest said.
“Fine.” Robbie pouted. “Weren’t you taking the plates to the kitchen?”
“I was. But I was taking a moment to kiss the chef. Since I’m allowed to, and you’re not.”
“Yet,” Robbie said.
As Priest left with the plates in hand, Robbie sat back in his seat and said, “Well…since we can’t talk about kissing, he’s not lying about the food. It was so good. Don’t tell my nonna, but this sauce just might rival hers.”
“My lips are sealed,” Julien said, and Priest called out from the kitchen, “I certainly hope not.”
Robbie rolled his eyes, but the cheeky smile that lit his face had Julien’s erection threatening the limited coverage his apron provided. It had been nothing short of a miracle that he’d gotten through dinner without having to excuse himself, and therefore break the rules.
But with both Robbie and Priest looking at him as though he was what they were eating, Julien had had a hard time—to say the least—making it to the finish line.
As it was, they were around fifteen minutes away from this game reaching a conclusion, and he had to admit, it looked as though the odds were in Robbie’s favor. Their princesse had been motivated tonight for sure, and he’d somehow managed to keep his hands to himself. Julien had a feeling that wouldn’t last too much longer, though. At least, he hoped not.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Julien asked, as Robbie’s bright eyes found him, and oui, the arousal and triumph staring back at him was a definite indicator that Robbie was more than aware he was closing in on his deadline and prize.
“I am.”
“Bien. That makes us happy.”
“Hmm, well, I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy myself a whole lot more, very soon.”
“That you might, if you don’t slip up in the next few minutes.”
“Oh, I’m not going to slip up. I’ve managed to sit here for nearly an hour while you have been naked next to me. I have got this in the bag.”
Julien didn’t doubt Robbie for one second. Himself, however? He was walking a fine line, because Robbie was close enough that Julien could reach out and grab him, and maybe lay him out on this table, where he could eat him for a few good hours.
He needed to distract himself, and the beautiful one beside him, quick smart.
“What do you usually do for your birthdays, princesse?”
“You mean instead of eating dinner with a naked chef and his half-dressed husband?”
“Oui,” Julien said, as Priest came back to the table and stopped behind him, resting his hands on Julien’s shoulders. “What did you do last year?”
“I, uh…” As Robbie’s words tapered off, he looked at Priest and frowned. “I spent it with my ex.”
Ah, okay, Julien thought, as Priest’s fingers tightened a little at the mention of the other man. Clearly this wasn’t the direction they wanted the conversation to go in.
“And let me tell you,” Robbie said.
Or maybe Robbie did.
“I wish he could see me right now, because he’d be so damn jealous.”
“Of course he would be,” Julien said. “He let you go. He’s clearly a crétin.”
“Uh, not jealous because he doesn’t have me. Jealous because I have the both of you,” Robbie said. “His biggest fantasy was being with two men. Problem was, he couldn’t even handle one.”
“No offense,” Priest said. “But I don’t want to think about him handling anyfuckingthing that’s now mine. If that’s okay with you?”