Their princess was such a contradiction at times, and it always fascinated Priest to see which version of him they would get depending on Robbie’s mood. In some instances, he looked delicate and fragile, and made Priest want to gently trace every exquisite line of his face. At other times, when Robbie was throwing around that sassy attitude of his, it made Priest want to take him over his knee and teach him a lesson. Fierce Robbie was a force to be reckoned with—like now.

“Since tonight is your show,” Priest said, as he gestured to the seat, “it’s only right that you sit at the head of the table.”

“My show, huh?” Robbie arched an eyebrow, and then ran his eyes down Priest’s shirt to his shorts. “If that’s true,” he said, and reached out to finger the hem of Priest’s shirt, “how about you undo this and take it off so I can look at you? Seems only fair, since Julien isn’t wearing much more than a handkerchief.”

“You think so, do you?”

Robbie nodded and stepped in closer to undo the first two buttons. “Unless, of course, you don’t think you can control yourself. I mean, I assume the rules of this game go both ways. If I can’t control myself, I don’t get my prize, and if you can’t control yourself, I do. Right?”

Troublemaker. “Right.”

“In that case,” Robbie said, as he got to the top button and popped it free, “I want to see the other half of my prize in advance. You know, to make me work extra hard to get it.”

Priest eyed Robbie’s devious grin and wondered when he’d managed to turn the tables, because Priest was suddenly finding it very difficult not to grab Robbie and bend him over said table.

Robbie ran a finger down the center of Priest’s body to the button of his shorts, and when he saw the erection straining against Priest’s zipper, he raised those blue eyes and bit his lip, an impish expression crossing his gorgeous face. “Uh oh. This little game of yours seems to be going down in flames, fast.”

Priest wrapped an arm around Robbie’s waist, grabbed hold of his ass, and hauled him in against his body until their lips were within an inch of each other. “The only thing that’s going to be going down anytime soon is you, sweetheart.”

“We’ll see.”

Priest kissed his way up Robbie’s jaw to his ear. “Yes, we will. Now sit your delectable ass down while you’re still able to.”

Robbie sucked in a breath and, when Priest released him, said, “Well, since you asked so nicely,” and took a seat as Julien walked in carrying two plates.

Julien looked between the two of them, and after he put one plate in front of Robbie and the other where Priest was now sitting, he said, “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to go and put on—”

“Uh ah,” Robbie said. “If you think for one second you are going to put clothes on, forget it.”

Julien raised an eyebrow at Robbie, and Priest said, “I think he’s practicing giving orders on the off chance he wins tonight.”

“For when I win, you mean,” Robbie said, and picked up his drink to take another sip. “And just so you know, I’ve never been more motivated in my life.”

Julien inclined his head, but his lips twitched as he eyed Priest. “Very well. I’ll just go and get my dinner and we can eat.”

“The first course, anyway,” Robbie said, as Julien walked back into the kitchen.

As Julien disappeared, Priest was about to turn to the rascal beside him, when Robbie said, “He has, like, the best ass ever.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Priest said. “I’d say you’re about even.”

“No way,” Robbie said, shaking his head. “When it comes to that particular part of the anatomy, Julien wins, hands down. It’s all that yoga. It makes you want to…mm…bite it.”

Priest shifted on his seat as Robbie plucked the sugarcoated lime off the side of his drink and sucked on it. “If you win, you’ll get to do just that.”

“Maybe,” Robbie said, as his eyes drifted back to Priest’s. “If that’s what I decide I want. Which, by the way…?”

“Yes?” Priest said, as Julien came back to the table and took his seat.

“Is this like a one-act kind of thing?” Robbie asked. “Or am I allowed to pick a whole scenario?” Julien shook his head, but Robbie continued, not to be deterred. “I mean, that’s kind of important for me to know before I narrow things down. Don’t you think?”

“That’s a good point,” Priest conceded, and looked to Julien. “What do you think, chef?”

“I think you two are as bad as each other,” Julien said. “Always trying to one-up the other.”

“Aww.” Robbie put an elbow on the table and leaned toward Julien. “I want to get all up on you too, Jules. I’m just working out the dirty details first.”