Robbie shook his head, seeming at a loss for words as he stared up at Priest.
“Good. Then I’ll see you both at dinner.” Priest gave Julien a final look.
“That you will, mon amour. Have a good day.”
“It’ll be better once I’m home,” Priest said, and then picked up his keys and briefcase and headed off to work.
AS THE DOOR shut behind Priest, Robbie finished the rest of his coffee and watched Julien move around the kitchen. Wow, that had been some kind of showdown he’d just witnessed. With no more than two sentences, Julien had demanded what he wanted from Priest, and, true to the relationship Robbie was coming to recognize between them, Priest had given it to him. They were open and honest—in a word, incredible.
There was so much more to Julien than the way he looked. With his short, dark hair, olive skin, and those green eyes of his, it was often difficult to see beyond his gorgeous face. But Robbie was discovering that Julien was quite the enigma.
Unlike Priest, who hid his secrets behind a vaultlike door, Julien hid his behind a sensual smile and that easygoing nature. That was until there was cause to shed that skin and let his other side slip free—the side that had just silently stared Priest down and demanded answers before he walked out the door this morning, and you couldn’t help but respect that.
Oh yeah, Julien Thornton was quite the mystery. One that Robbie was enjoying getting to know much, much better.
“Do you have any plans today, princesse?” Julien asked, as he came back to the center island and took another sip of his juice.
“Um, I was going to go and get a few last things from my nonna’s, and then see where you want me to put all my stuff. But other than that,” Robbie said, as he got to his feet and took his mug to the sink to rinse it off, “I’m all yours.”
When he was done, and back to facing Julien, Robbie drank in the sight of him leaning up against the counter with his legs crossed at the ankles. Dressed in a white tank and a pair of those sexy black yoga pants that sat low on his waist and flared wide at the ankle, Julien’s body made Robbie’s fingers itch to touch.
“How would you like to come and spend the day at the restaurant with me?” Julien asked, and Robbie’s eyes flew up to find Julien’s twinkling at him.
“Are you kidding right now?”
“Non. With the opening coming up, I’m going to be there all day, and I thought you might like to see the kitchen this time around—and maybe learn a little cooking from a professional.” Julien added a wink, and Robbie close to swooned at his feet.
“That would literally be one of my biggest fantasies come to life.”
Julien put his glass down on the counter, and then walked Robbie back until he hit the sink. “Do you know what one of my biggest fantasies is?”
Robbie swallowed as Julien slipped a finger into the knot at the waist of his robe and tugged on it, loosening the tie. “No, but I really hope you’re going to tell me.”
Julien’s full lips curved into a smile that made the dimple on his right cheek appear, and it was so damn sexy that Robbie’s cock stiffened in an instant.
“I’m going to do better than that,” Julien said as he parted the robe so it was now hanging off Robbie’s shoulders, revealing his very naked and aroused body. “I’m going to show you.”
Robbie’s breath came out in a shaky rush as Julien maneuvered one of his legs between Robbie’s thighs, and Robbie reached for his arms to steady himself. “Fuck.”
Julien shifted his leg slightly and pressed it up against Robbie’s aching balls. “Putain.”
“Huh?” was all Robbie managed, as he told his body to slow the hell down and enjoy this—enjoy Julien.
“One of my biggest fantasies is to hear the language I love roll off your sweet tongue,” Julien said, and then he leaned in to brush his lips over Robbie’s jaw. “And one of my favorite things to do and say in any language is…fuck—putain.”
“Putain,” Robbie said, as Julien nipped at his ear. “I’m not going to survive this, am I?”
Julien chuckled and took a step back, then he ran his eyes down to Robbie’s erection. “I’m sure you will. But if not, Priest and I will make sure you enjoy your final moments. After all, the French don’t call an orgasm la petite mort—the little death—for nothing. Do they?”
Robbie sighed, thinking about all the things he wanted Julien and Priest to do to him, and that had him reaching for his cock. As he stroked himself right there in the kitchen, Julien groaned.
“Dieu, tu es beau.”
Robbie scraped his teeth over his bottom lip as he continued to work himself, unashamed of his nudity or his actions. “What did you just say?”