“I wasn’t finished.”

When Priest merely stared at him, Logan let go of his arm and continued. “I’ll hold true to my apology. I was out of line and handled things with much less decorum than I should have. But one thing I won’t apologize for is looking out for Robbie.”

Priest cocked his head to the side, studying Logan’s features as they faced off. His stare was direct, his resolve set, and Priest couldn’t fault him for feeling protective over Robbie, but it was time something was cleared up—Robbie was now his to protect. Not Logan’s.

“I’m going to say this once, and only because I respect you as both a colleague and a friend,” Priest said, and took the step he needed so that he was close enough to Logan to be able to lower his voice and still be heard. “Julien and I are dating Robert, and he is more than aware of what it is we want from him. Just as we are aware of what he wants from us. I don’t plan to explain our relationship to you beyond that. But just so there’s no mistake in how I feel, I will tell you this. That bright, beautiful boy you once knew? He’s grown into a man that I find utterly captivating, and he is ours to protect now. Mine and Julien’s. You need to stand down, Logan. Be his friend—be our friend. But stop making assumptions about something you know nothing about.”

Logan sized him up, but then his lips twitched and he said, “You know, I think that’s the most you’ve ever said at one time. Robbie is clearly rubbing off on you.” Logan paused for a second, and when he realized what he’d said, he added, “I meant talking-wise, not—”

“I know,” Priest said, and shook his head. He gestured to the hallway that led to their offices at the back of the floor. “I’m going to go and get to work. Let me know when you have some free time today and I’ll bring you up to speed.”

“Okay. Will do,” Logan said as Priest started to walk off. “And Priest?”

Priest stopped and looked over his shoulder to where Logan remained in the center of the lobby staring at him.

“Message received. Friends?”

Friends? Priest didn’t do friends, but he knew Robbie would want this, so he inclined his head and then turned and walked off to his office. He’d deal with Logan later. Right now, he had a phone call to make.

Chapter Three


Sometimes the best way to forget

the past is to lose yourself in the present.

But even then, the past often has a

way of finding you.

THE SECOND TIME Robbie stepped through the revolving door of JULIEN was a much different experience than the first.

For one, it was daylight, and with the shutters open and the sunlight pouring inside, the main dining room had a much different ambience than it had that first night. With greenery now nestled into the alcoves of the interior columns, and the beautiful scrolling artwork on the walls, the place had a very European café feel to it, and Robbie thought it was just divine.

The next reason was less about the restaurant and more about, well, himself. Because come on, Robbie thought, the sexy-as-sin owner is my boyfriend. Mine. That’s right, bitches. Julien Thornton somehow belongs to me. Not even he could’ve made that shit up. But it was real, all right, and that was made crystal clear when Julien took his hand and said, “Viens avec moi. Come with me.”

Anytime or anyplace, handsome—just say the words, Robbie thought, pleased that for the moment Julien seemed happy once again. Whatever had been troubling him this morning at the condo was now forgotten as he prepared to show off his pride and joy.

“Viens avec moi,” Robbie repeated, and Julien smiled and nodded before he headed off through the empty tables, tugging Robbie along behind him.

“Where is everyone?” Robbie asked. He’d expected to see the staff, or at least the contractors, since Julien was closing in on the restaurant’s opening in a few weeks.

“They’re coming in at ten today,” Julien said as they came to a stop in front of the stainless-steel doors that led to the kitchen, and then he pulled Robbie in close to nip at his lower lip. “But I thought you and I could heat things up until then.”

Heat things up? Robbie was pretty sure if things got any hotter, he might melt on the spot. Julien looked hot as hell in his cream cowl-neck sweater and pair of blue-grey pants, as he maneuvered their clasped hands behind Robbie’s back and brought their bodies in flush against one another.

“Embrasse-moi, princesse.”

Okay, that sounded super sexy, Robbie thought, as his breathing came a little faster. “What’s that mean?”

“Kiss me, princess,” Julien whispered.

“Ohhh.” Robbie grinned. “I see what’s happening here. You’re teaching me all the naughty things first. I like your style.”