Something about the way Priest said you and I made Julien’s pulse race, and as Priest went to walk away, Julien whispered, “J’ai vraiment hâte,” and the ever-so-serious lawyer stopped in his tracks and looked back.
This time when those eyes roamed over Julien, his breath caught. There was nothing cool about that stare now. There was heat, interest, and an intensity that made Julien’s fingers tighten around the bars before Priest cut the connection and walked away.
Julien watched him go until he disappeared around the end of the hall, and then he released his breath on a rush. Merde. He’d never been so attracted to someone in all his life, and as he stood there waiting for Priest to save him yet again, Julien knew he needed to stop what he was thinking.
There was no way in hell he deserved someone like that. Non, no way at all. That didn’t, however, stop him from counting down the minutes until Priest returned to him…
AS THE MATTRESS dipped down under him, Julien’s eyes slowly opened and the man from his dreams took form in front of him.
He was gloriously naked, and the glow of the city lights cast an intimate silhouette of Priest as he pulled back the covers and slipped between the sheets for the second time that night. The room was silent as Julien placed a hand against Priest’s chest and studied his face, wanting to see for himself if the strain from tonight’s unexpected caller had eased any.
“I thought you’d fallen back asleep,” Priest said, as he covered Julien’s hand with his own, and that was when Julien saw it: the slight narrowing of Priest’s eyes, as though he was still troubled over what had happened earlier. He ran his fingers down Julien’s cheek.
“Non. Not yet. I was drifting in and out. But it’s never a bad thing to open my eyes and see you, mon amour.” Julien turned his head and brushed his lips over Priest’s fingers. “I was actually thinking about you. So one might say you appeared right out of my dreams.”
“One might also say that you are tired and slightly delusional.”
“Peut-être,” Julien said, and then a soft hum left his throat as Priest kissed his jaw, and then started to make his way down Julien’s neck. “That’s one of the reasons you love me, is it not?”
Priest’s lips drifted over Julien’s collarbone, then he raised his head and said, “It is.”
Julien cradled Priest’s face between his hands, and this close he could see that Priest’s eyes were focused on him, waiting for whatever it was Julien wanted to say, and there was plenty.
It was sometime early Thursday morning, and less than an hour had passed since their boyfriend, Robbie Bianchi, had arrived at their front door ready to take them up on their offer that he move in. But unbeknownst to their princesse, he had walked into a situation none of them could’ve seen coming.
So oui, Julien had plenty to say about tonight’s turn of events. But he also knew that now wasn’t the time. Instead, he looked over to the slip of light visible through the cracked door of the bathroom and asked, “Is Robbie coming?”
“He already came. He’s showering now, winding down,” Priest said, as he rolled Julien to his back and maneuvered himself over the top of him. He wasn’t fooled at all by Julien’s diversion tactics. “I thought you would’ve joined us in there.”
“I know,” Julien said, and originally he’d thought so too after he’d sent Robbie in to find Priest. But once he’d brought Robbie’s bags inside and locked up, Julien had been unable to push aside the call regarding Priest’s father, and had known that following Robbie into the bathroom wouldn’t be about giving Priest what he needed right then, but more about what he himself did—and that was answers.
“I had too many questions for you,” Julien said. “I still do.”
Priest sighed and lowered his forehead to rest it against Julien’s. “It’s late. Can’t we wait until tomorrow to drag my past out into the light of day?”
Julien opened his legs so Priest could settle in between them, and then ran his fingers over the scruff of his beard. “Oui, we can wait.”
Priest rested his forearms by Julien’s head and shut his eyes. It was clear he was more in control than he had been an hour ago, but there was still an air of agitation about him. “How about you tell me about this dream of yours instead?”
Julien let his eyes flutter shut and, for the moment, allowed Priest to distract them both. “Well, it was about you.”
“Yes… You already said that.” Priest pressed a kiss to Julien’s lips. “What about me?”
Julien’s eyes opened and he grinned against Priest’s mouth. “I was thinking about the night you bailed me out of jail. And how— Ahh…” One of Priest’s hands had slipped down to wrap around Julien’s stiffening cock, giving him a long, slow pull. “Refais-le, Joel.”