“Hardly,” Priest said, and wrapped his hands around the bars of the gate. “I’m just sick of looking at you through iron bars.”

Julien stepped in close until the only thing that prevented them from being toe to toe was the gate. “Then maybe next time we meet, we’ll have to do it with nothing between us.”

Priest’s jaw ticked as he scanned Julien’s face, the headlights of his car lighting the two of them up as though they were actors on a stage.

“You’re trying my patience, Mr. Thornton. Whose house is this?”

Julien wanted to ask what happened when Priest’s patience ran out, but instead said, “If I tell you that, my mystique will vanish and the likelihood you’ll want to see me again will vastly drop.”

“Trust me,” Priest said, “that isn’t dependent on the answer to this question.”

Julien let his eyes move to Priest’s mouth, and he wondered how it would feel to have it dominating his own. He imagined Priest would kiss the way he talked—arrogantly. That he would take what he wanted. Would shove his tongue deep inside Julien’s mouth and demand a response.

In fact, Julien would lay bets that Priest would demand a lot from anyone he fucked, and while that had never appealed to him in the past, the thought of being taken by this man made Julien’s cock hard as a rock. It also explained why he did what he did next. “If I tell you whose house this is, will you have lunch with me tomorrow?”

Priest released his hold on the bars and took a step back, slipping his hands into his pockets as though he didn’t trust them out in the open. “Excuse me?”

“Lunch? As in food? Will you eat with me tomorrow?”


Julien now wrapped his hands around the bars where Priest had been holding and leaned in to say, “Because it’s either that or I break another law to see you again.”

Priest’s eyes narrowed to slits, and then he walked back to the gate and covered Julien’s hands with his own.

Putain, Julien thought as he sucked in a breath. What is it about this man? He wanted him in ways Julien had never experienced before.

“I don’t know what’s going through your head right now, Mr. Thornton,” Priest said, and his voice was low and direct and made Julien’s cock ache. “But I don’t date criminals. So if that’s what you want, a date, then you need to turn your life around. Find something you love, or at least like better than yourself right now, and get your shit together. Once you do that, then come see me, and I’ll give you exactly what you’re asking for.”

Julien’s breathing was coming fast now, and he wasn’t sure if it was from arousal or irritation. Likely a bit of both. “And what is that?”

Priest ran his gaze over Julien’s face and then said, “A fucking that will make you forget whatever it is you’re running from. A night that will remind you that you’re alive. That’s what you want, isn’t it? That’s why you do all of this? To feel alive again?”

Julien stared into Priest’s eyes and suddenly found it difficult to swallow. How had he turned the tables on him so fast? How could Priest know exactly what he was thinking by this one short conversation?

“You’re incredibly arrogant, monsieur. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Oui,” Priest said, completely throwing Julien off. “And you’re incredibly reckless—lost and reckless. That’s a dangerous combination. One that usually winds a person up dead.”

Julien went to pull his hands back, but Priest tightened his over the top, holding him captive.

“Whose place is this?”

This time, Julien didn’t hesitate to answer. “My parents’.”

Priest’s eyes went beyond Julien’s shoulder to the house, and then he removed his hands and said, “Stay out of trouble, Mr. Thornton.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then don’t call me.” Priest turned and walked back to his car. “You know my deal. You want me, then make an effort, and you just might get me…”

“GOD,” ROBBIE SAID, his mouth hanging open. “I have never met anyone with balls as big as Priest’s. He’s so…so…”

“Everything you’re thinking, oui,” Julien agreed. “But you like it as much as I do. Don’t you?”

“Well, yeah,” Robbie said, and rolled his eyes. “But it’s so infuriating at times.”

“Oh, I agree with that. After he said that to me I remember thinking, One day I’m going to make that man beg to go on a date with me.”

“And did you?”

“Remember when I told you that Priest has only ever worked hard for one other’s attention before you?”


“Believe me, he eventually begged for a date. But we’ll talk about that some other time.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that.”

Julien grinned at Robbie’s cheeky tone. “Maybe you should ask Priest about it sometime.”

“Maybe I will.”

“Make sure I’m there when you do,” Julien said as he brushed his lips over Robbie’s, sealing their devious little plan with a kiss. Then he pointed to the spinach on the shelf and said, “I’m surprised you picked this, considering your recent aversion to greens.”