Julien chuckled. “Of course you do, troublemaker. But non, I’m just starting with the things I want to hear you say the most.”

“If you think for a second I’m going to complain about that, or the way you’re restraining me, you’re about to be disappointed. I happen to like both…very much.”

Julien tightened his grip around Robbie’s wrist. “Is that so?”

“Uh-huh. But let me see if I’ve got this right,” Robbie said. “Embrasse-moi…Jules.”

The sound that left Julien’s throat was one Robbie felt as much as he heard. It was a rumbling groan of pure pleasure, and then Julien was walking him back to the opposite wall, where he pinned their hands on either side of Robbie’s head.

Julien then lowered his mouth down over the top of Robbie’s, and sweet mother of God, it was heaven. Julien kissed with, like, his entire body. At least, that was how it felt. It started with his hands holding Robbie exactly where he wanted him, whether it was cradling his face, gripping his hair—or like now, Robbie thought, as Julien’s thumbs grazed over the pulse points at his wrists.

Then that sensual mouth joined in on the action. Biting, licking, and sucking until, oh shit, Julien took Robbie’s face between his hands and held him steady as he slipped his tongue between Robbie’s lips and devoured him.

Robbie wrapped his arms around Julien’s waist and smoothed his palms down to his ass to haul him even closer. He’d already been stopped once this morning when it came to getting off with his sexy Frenchman, and he’d be damned if he let Julien out of his grasp again today—not until he got what he wanted.

Grinding all over the muscled body pressing him up against the wall, Robbie moaned as Julien’s lips left his and started to kiss a path along his jaw and down his neck.

“If we don’t stop soon…” Julien said, but didn’t finish his thought. Instead, he raised his head and once again took Robbie’s lips in a smoldering kiss.

Robbie wound a leg up around Julien’s thigh and thrust his erection against the rock-hard one he could feel pressing against him. “Oh God. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop this time, Jules.”

“Non?” Julien whispered against Robbie’s mouth, and Robbie shook his head. “Then tell me what you want, princesse.”

Robbie flexed his fingers, digging them into the round curves of Julien’s ass, and when Julien rocked his hips forward, Robbie knew exactly what he wanted—he wanted to come—and he wanted it right now with the man licking a wicked-hot path up his neck.

“I— Ahh,” Robbie said, but got distracted as he continued to rub himself off against Julien. God, he feels amazing. Like. Holy shit amazing. Then Julien raised his head and Robbie got a look at those full, swollen lips he’d been fantasizing about for years, and he remembered a phrase that Julien had taught him long ago, unbeknownst to himself. “I want you to suces ma queue.”

Julien stilled against him, but then those lips of his slanted into a roguish grin that was so hot, Robbie thought he might lose his ability to function.

Julien shifted slightly and lowered his hands down to the button of Robbie’s jeans. As he unfastened them, Julien kept his eyes locked with Robbie’s and said, “And where did you learn that phrase?”

Robbie let out an excited gasp when Julien yanked his jeans open and cool air hit his fevered skin. “From you. You said it once on the show and I, well, Googled it.”

A provocative chuckle left Julien’s throat, and the sound raced down Robbie’s spine to his balls. “I’m glad you did, because I’m about to reward you for being so…studious.” Julien then slipped his hand inside Robbie’s tiny thong. “Stand still, princesse, and let me suck your cock.”

JULIEN TOOK ROBBIE’S mouth in a blistering kiss as he wrapped his fingers around the erect shaft he found inside Robbie’s jeans. A needy moan left Robbie as he thrust forward, shoving his dick through Julien’s fist, and Dieu, Julien wanted to see what he was holding—he wanted to taste it, too.

He removed his mouth from Robbie’s oh-so-tempting one, and when Robbie whimpered, Julien brought a hand up and traced his thumb over Robbie’s slick lips. “You asked me for something. Don’t you want me to give it to you?”

Robbie sucked in a breath and nodded as Julien went down to his knees and took Robbie’s jeans with him. When he was eye level with Robbie’s cock, Julien raised his gaze to find Robbie leaning back against the wall with wild eyes aimed down.

Robbie should’ve looked ridiculous, all things considered. But with his slim hips jutting forward in nothing more than a flimsy scrap of material, and his puffy jacket open but still on over his tight blue shirt, he looked like some kind of fashion model with his perfectly styled hair, smoky kohl eyes, and that glossy, tempting mouth.