“Well, thank you for that. But I’ve got news for you, Logan Mitchell,” Robbie said, jabbing a finger at him. “I don’t need you or anyone else boosting my ego. I wasn’t sad that night; I was pissed off because, yet again, the man I was interested in was in love with someone else. Sound familiar?”
Robbie rubbed the back of his neck, and when Logan’s eyes softened, Robbie said, “Don’t. Don’t you dare feel sorry for me. God, that’s the last thing I need.”
Logan opened his mouth to speak, but Robbie was already talking again.
“When I got that voicemail from Tate on New Year’s telling me that you got married, I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.”
Logan’s arms fell down to his sides, and as he stood there speechless, Robbie shook his head.
“I was in shock. Complete and utter shock. And not because it was a surprise wedding or because I couldn’t imagine you married to Tate—I mean, come on, who couldn’t see that coming? But I was shocked to realize that after all this time, after all these years of knowing you were with him, I’d still been walking around with this misguided fantasy that one day, somehow, you would end up being mine.”
Robbie licked his lips and laughed at himself, because now that he was saying it out loud, he realized just how ridiculous he sounded—but really, it was the truth.
“It’s stupid, I know, and trust me, if you hadn’t just acted like the world’s biggest asshole, I wouldn’t be standing here baring my soul in such a totally humiliating way, but Logan,” Robbie said, and swallowed, trying to find the courage to say what he needed to. And when he looked into a face that was as close to perfect as Robbie had ever seen, he realized his eyes were blurring. Shit, he was crying. “For the first time in a long time, I’m really happy.”
Silence swept over the room as they stared at one another, and then finally Logan spoke. “But they’re married.”
“So what?” Robbie said. “I know that. They have never lied to me—not once. In fact, they’ve been more than up front. They’ve been cautious and careful, more so than anyone I’ve been with, yourself included. They’ve made sure from the very beginning that I knew exactly what they wanted, and you know what they want? Me.” Robbie wiped at the tear on his cheek. “Marriages fail all the time. People cheat. People become miserable. But Julien and Priest? Other than you and Tate, I’ve never seen two people more in sync with how they’re feeling. They’re honest with each other in ways I don’t think most people can be, and I love that. I respect it. And I want it. I want to see where this goes, because it feels good. They make me feel good. When I’m with them, I can be me and I feel safe. I feel special.” Robbie gnawed on his lip. “Regrets only happen when you aren’t brave enough to try something that scares you. I know that because I regret not feeling like I was enough for you, because God, Logan…I loved you. Or at least the idea of you.”
“Robbie…” Logan said, his voice now full of emotion, and Robbie offered up a small, sad smile.
“I don’t say that to make you feel bad. And I’m not saying it to put myself down. I’m saying it so you understand why I’m willing to take this risk.”
Logan shut his eyes for a second, and when he reopened them, he reached out and took Robbie’s face between his hands. “I’m sorry.”
Robbie blinked, taken off guard by the apology and how close they were standing. “It’s okay. You were shocked.”
“Not about that,” Logan said. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, back then.”
When a tear escaped Robbie’s eye and rolled down his cheek, Logan swiped it away with his thumb. Then he pressed a kiss there that was soft and sweet and made another tear fall.
“I don’t want to see you get hurt,” Logan said, and Robbie closed his eyes again, unable to look into Logan’s stunning blue ones.
“I don’t want that either. But that could happen with anyone.” Robbie reached for Logan’s wrists. “You were the best first love a boy could ask for, Mr. Mitchell. Thank you.”
Logan’s full lips quirked up at the sides. “It was my pleasure.”
“It was, wasn’t it?”
Logan chuckled and nodded. “Yes, it was. But really…Priest? You hate that guy.”
At the baffled look on Logan’s face, Robbie let out a loud bark of laughter. “I know, right? But he’s…”
“Yes?” Logan asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“He’s so different once you get to know him, and with Julien he’s…” Robbie remembered the way Priest had looked after the both of them yesterday and last night, and sighed. “He’s wonderful.”