“I would think that was clear to someone as smart as you,” Priest said. “But if you need a play-by-play, you’ll have to ask Robert. I’m not about to talk about his private life with you. That’s his business.”

“His private life?” Logan said, his eyes widening as they moved back to Robbie. “I’m sorry, Robert. But have you lost your fucking mind?”

Robbie’s spine stiffened with what Priest could only assume was irritation, and Priest smoothed his hand down Robbie’s thigh. When he did, Logan’s eyes dropped to the move, and Priest added a small squeeze for good measure.

Tread carefully, Mitchell, Priest thought, as Logan’s temper started to boil, his cheeks now coloring. You hurt him, I’m not going to be impressed.

“No, I have not lost my mind, thank you very much,” Robbie said. “But thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“This isn’t about my confidence,” Logan snapped. “It’s about common sense, and clearly you’ve lost all of yours.” Logan’s eyes had darkened right along with his mood as he turned them back on Priest. “And you. Did you and your lovely husband decide to wait until we were out of town before swooping in on him? Get him while he’s defenseless? Was that it? That’s low, Priest, and kind of predatory, don’t you think?”

“Logan,” Robbie said, and this time when he moved to get up, Priest let him go. “Stop it.”

But Logan wasn’t listening to Robbie, he was focused on Priest, and it was more than obvious he wanted to punch him right in the face. Logan’s overprotective side was admirable, Priest would give him that, but if he didn’t watch himself, he was going to learn that Robbie didn’t need someone standing up for him.

“You know, I always respected you, even though I thought you were a little out there in how you do things,” Logan said. “You’re shrewd, smart, and incredibly talented at your job, but this bullshit you’re pulling with him? I don’t even know what to think of that.”

“Logan, shut up,” Robbie said, and grabbed on to Logan’s arm as Priest slowly got to his feet, but Logan wasn’t listening.

“He’s already had to deal with one asshole who fucked around with him, and I won’t let another—I’m sorry, two other assholes do that again,” Logan said, not paying any attention to Robbie, his focus one hundred percent on Priest.

“Are you quite done?” Priest said, and when Logan glared at him, Priest noticed Robbie’s jaw was bunched as he shook his head.

“I haven’t even started,” Logan spat out.

“Well, before you make more of a fool out of yourself and embarrass Robert any further, why don’t you calm down for a minute?”

Logan scoffed. “How about you go fuck—”

“Be careful, Logan. I’d like us to remain friends after this,” Priest said, his eyes moving to Robbie, who was beyond disbelief and had moved into raging fucking mad, by the looks of it. “But that’s not going to happen if you keep talking and don’t stop and listen. Two things you should know. The first is: Robert called us. And the second is: Robert is an adult. And if you have a problem with the fact that one of your exes is now dating me, then that is exactly what it is. Your problem. Not ours.”

“Ours,” Logan said, zeroing in on the one thing that was pissing him off the most. “Nice word choice there, considering the circumstances, because he’s not just dating you, is he? Tell me, do you and your husband get your kicks out of using sweet young things?”

“Oh my God,” Robbie said, and then stamped his foot, and the move was so adorable that Priest’s lips twitched. But then Robbie shoved Logan in the arm to get his attention. “What is the matter with you?”

“What is the matter with me?” Logan said, and put his hands on his hips. “What’s the matter with you? Why would you do this to yourself?”

A flush crept up Robbie’s neck to his face, and then he finally lost it. “Because I wanted to, and you know what? It’s none of your business.”

Logan shoved a finger in Robbie’s face. “This is a mistake and you’re going to get hurt.”

“Well, it’s my mistake to make, isn’t it? Just like Tate was yours.”

Logan dropped his hand and stared at Robbie, questions written all over his face. “What are you talking about?”

“Tate was straight,” Robbie said, as if Logan was a moron. “He was straighter than straight. He was married to a woman. Not exactly a good guarantee for a man I know likes to fuck as much as I do, but you took a risk.”

Logan looked absolutely gobsmacked by Robbie’s outburst, but managed to relocate his brain. “This is—”

“Don’t you dare say different,” Robbie said, taking a step forward until he was toe to toe with Logan. “You are the last person I would expect to be judgmental. So unless you want to talk to me like I have a brain, I’d rather you didn’t talk at all.”