“We do, yes.”
“Okay,” Robbie said. “What is it?”
“Before that…” Priest said as he absently ran a hand up and down Robbie’s back, and Robbie wondered if he even realized he was doing it. It was nice. “How’d your talk go with your mom? Was it about what you thought?”
Robbie nodded. “Yeah. Once Nonna gets out of rehab, they’re going to move her into a community home. Apparently they’d been looking into it for a little while, but she was on the fence until now.” Robbie ran a hand over his face and sighed. “I know it’s for the best, and she actually seems pretty happy about it, but it’s still a bit of a shock, you know?”
Priest nodded. “I know. And what about you? Have you given any thought about where you are going to stay?”
Robbie shrugged. “Well, they need to get the house together and put it for sale—that will pay for Nonna’s new place—so I have a little bit of time. But I’m going to be looking for an apartment as soon as possible. Vanessa has a friend she’s going to room with, so she’s moving out in the next couple of days.”
Priest’s eyes narrowed. “Right.” Then he pointed to the phone on the desk. “Can you hit speaker and then dial one?”
Robbie did as he was asked, and as the phone began to ring, Priest ran a hand up the outside of his thigh and tugged him closer to him on his lap. Robbie relaxed against him as the phone connected. “Bonjour, mon amour.”
“Good morning, Julien,” Priest said, and his warm breath ghosted over Robbie’s cheek, making his entire body aware of who it was nestled against. “I have Robert here with me too.”
“Oh, bonjour, princesse.”
“Hey, Jules,” Robbie said on impulse, and Priest and Julien started laughing. “What?” Robbie asked, feeling like he’d missed something.
“Nothing,” Priest said, and Robbie sat up.
“That laugh doesn’t sound like nothing,” Robbie said. “Is he laughing at me, Julien?”
“He is.”
“When you say my name like that, it means…stud, in English.”
Robbie thought back to what he’d said, and then looked to Priest. “Seriously? Jules means stud?” He looked back to the phone. “Your nickname literally means stud? Wow, your parents were spot fucking on.”
And that made both men laugh even more.
“Merci,” Julien said, as he finally calmed. “I’m going to take that as a compliment. You can call me that whenever you like.”
“I think I just might. It’s way more fitting than Prick.”
“I don’t know,” Priest said. “You’re just thinking about the man you know now. Have you forgotten the one you used to watch? He was very—”
“Temperamental?” Robbie said. “I remember.”
“Excusez-moi,” Julien said. “I’m still here, you two.”
“So you are,” Priest said, and winked at Robbie, who almost fell off his lap in shock. Jesus, playful Priest was…sexy as hell. “I was about to speak to Robert about what we discussed this morning.”
“Oui, let’s,” Julien said, and Robbie frowned.
“We understand you will be looking for a place to stay now with your nonna moving, and we would like to invite you to come and stay with us.”
As Priest was talking, Robbie tried to pay attention, but as the words came out of his mouth, Robbie couldn’t believe what he’d heard. He blinked at Priest a couple of times, but when Robbie said nothing, Julien came across the speaker.
“Princesse, you there?”
“He’s here,” Priest said. “I think he’s in shock. He looks like he might pass out.”
Julien chuckled. “You don’t have to sleep in our room with us, per se.”
Robbie found his tongue. “Why not?”
Priest’s lip curled. “Because we don’t want you to feel like you can only say yes if you sleep with us. The offer is there regardless of our circumstances. We know you’re still thinking about all of this—”
“No, I’m not,” Robbie said. “I’m done thinking. I was done last night when we all finished talking.” Priest went silent, and Julien remained likewise, until Robbie said, “I want this. Whatever this is, or can be, or will be, I want to see where it goes with you. With both of you.”
PRIEST COULDN’T BELIEVE what he’d just heard, and as Robbie sat there on his lap and stared at him, Julien said, “That’s wonderful.”
Robbie laughed, and the joyful sound registered, but Priest was still busy staring at the beautiful man who was seated on his lap. He couldn’t believe Robbie had actually agreed to be theirs.
“Priest?” Julien said, and Robbie laughed a little louder.
“Now he looks like he’s going to pass out.”
“You’ve shocked him,” Julien said.
That was the absolute truth. Priest was stunned.
“What’s the matter?” Robbie said. “You change your mind already?”
Priest shook his head. “Not a chance.”
Robbie’s eyes twinkled as his pink lips curved up in a sexy smile.
“And the apartment?”
“Uhh…” Robbie said. “I don’t know about that. This is already so much and so fast. I…I think it might be better for now if I get my own place for a while. That’s okay, right?”