“Ahh,” Julien cried out, his head falling back on Priest’s shoulder. “That feels…ahh… Dieu.”

Robbie wrapped his arm around Julien’s leg, his fingers gripping Julien’s ass as he moved his mouth up and down the pulsing cock in his mouth. Then he trailed his fingers between Julien’s spread cheeks to where Priest’s thick, bare—fuck, he’s bare—shaft was moving in and out of Julien, and Robbie knew he was about to lose it.

This was all too fucking much, and he could feel his orgasm filling his balls. Then both of Julien’s hands were in Robbie’s hair and his cock was sliding in along his tongue as Priest thrust forward. With a shout loud enough that the neighbors likely heard, Julien stiffened and came, shooting hot jets of cum onto Robbie’s tongue, triggering Robbie’s own orgasm without anyone touching his cock or telling him to do so. But instead of being reprimanded tonight, Robbie’s release only spurred the final person in this union to blow.

Priest’s hand tightened on Julien’s hip, and as Robbie removed his mouth, his eyes roved up over the two men now lost in one another. Priest wound an arm around Julien’s shoulders and began to roll his hips over and over, sinking his cock deeper and deeper until, finally, Priest’s eyes found Robbie’s, inviting him to share this moment as Priest stiffened behind Julien and exploded inside him with a shout.

It was one of the most erotic sights Robbie had ever seen, and as he stared up at the two of them, he wondered how the hell he’d ended up being the lucky one in their bed to share it.

As the breathing in the room slowed to even instead of out of control, Robbie moved out from the glorious haven he’d burrowed into for the past however many minutes or hours he’d been down there, and moved up the bed until his head was on the same pillow as Julien’s.

He ran his fingers all over Julien’s sticky stomach and smiled at the two men now looking at him—Julien with a satisfied look of contentment and Priest, who was kissing along Julien’s shoulder, his eyes still a little wild, still a little feral after that taking.

“Wow…” Robbie said, and then grinned. “That was… That was fucking incredible.”

A purr rumbled out of Julien as Priest kissed his ear. “That means he agrees but can’t remember how to speak.”

Julien’s eyes fluttered closed, and Robbie brought his fingers up to get a final taste of Julien’s cum. Priest didn’t miss the move.

“Greedy,” Priest said, and Robbie nodded, unashamed over how much he liked the taste of something French on his tongue. “Go to sleep, Robert. Your little hole is too sore for what your eyes are inviting.”

“But if it wasn’t?” Robbie said, and Priest chuckled.

“If it wasn’t, Julien would’ve been in there instead of your mouth just now.”


“Sleep now. You need it.” Priest rolled over, and as he got out of the bed, Robbie looked up at him.

“Where are you going?” Robbie watched Priest pull on his black pants, the muscles in his back flexing and shifting, reminding him how powerful this man was.

“I’m going to do some work. But you both need rest.” Priest reached for the covers and pulled them up over Robbie and Julien, and then switched off the bedside lamp.

Robbie watched as Priest walked over to his desk and switched on a smaller lamp with a softer glow, and as he sat down, Robbie turned to his side and Julien automatically wrapped an arm around his waist.

The last thing Robbie remembered hearing as he drifted off to sleep was the soft tap tap tap of a man who was a little less strange to him tonight—and a whole lot of wonderful.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Everybody loves an encore…

ROBBIE WOKE TO a warm set of lips moving down his spine, and as his eyes opened, he saw the sun was already up and streaming in through the window. He stretched his legs under the sheets, and as he burrowed his face deeper into the soft pillow, he could smell Priest’s soap, and Julien’s shampoo, on them—or was it the other way around? He didn’t know, but a stupid kind of smile hit his lips when the sheet was tugged free and a warm body came down over the top of his.

He wasn’t sure who it was, but right then he didn’t much care, as the pressure of having a solid body pressing him into the mattress became more insistent. Robbie arched up against the muscles holding him down, and when a hand planted itself by his face and he saw the tanned skin, he knew in an instant who was behind him—Julien.

“Bonjour, princesse,” Julien whispered over Robbie’s ear, and then kissed him under it. “It’s time to wake up. You said eight, oui?”

Robbie opened his eyes and nodded. “I did.” He was going to meet his ma at nine over at The Daily Grind.