The guilt Robbie was experiencing from not being there this morning had been obvious from the moment he’d answered the phone. Julien had also made mention that the second the doctor had told Robbie he could go back and see his nonna, he had been quick to let Julien know he could leave if he had to go to the restaurant.

But that wasn’t going to happen. There was no way in hell Julien would leave Robbie alone at the hospital, even if all he could do was sit in the waiting room. Julien had been in a situation far too similar, where he’d sat by himself for hours, waiting. It was not a healthy place for anyone to be, and one Julien had trouble staying out of to this day.

Priest jabbed the elevator button, and as he travelled up, he wondered what headspace he would find the two men he’d left this morning. He hated that he’d had to go to court and leave them. But he’d also known there wasn’t much he could do, so it had likely been the best option for all, rather than Robbie having to try and explain the both of them to people.

As the elevator doors opened, Priest strode out, scanning the people sitting and standing around the nurses’ station, and then, off to the left, he spotted the waiting room. He headed over and found Julien slumped down in an uncomfortable-looking chair by the wall of windows. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his eyes were closed, his color pale.

All in all, he looked terrible.

Robbie was nowhere in sight, and when Priest sat down in the seat beside Julien, he pressed a kiss to his cool cheek and whispered, “Bonsoir, Julien.”

Julien’s eyes struggled to open, and as they focused on his face, Priest gave a crooked smile.

“How are you?” Priest said as Julien sat up in his seat and arched his back. When it cracked and he grimaced, Priest sighed. “That answers that question.”

Julien put a hand on Priest’s arm where it rested on the chair. “I’m okay. Happy to see you, mon amour.”

“I wish I could’ve come sooner. You don’t look so good.”

“Non,” Julien said, and shook his head. “There was really no need, and you had work. You can’t afford to leave, not with Logan being gone.”

Priest nodded and then looked around the room. “How is he?”

Julien shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve barely seen him, and when I do, he’s very…quiet.”

“That’s understandable. He’s thinking he should’ve been with her instead of us. Timing is everything.”

“Most definitely.” Julien took Priest’s hand and entwined their fingers. “He did tell me his nonna broke her hip in two places, and that they still have some more tests to run, but for the most part, everything else seems to be in one piece. No other broken bones.”

“Okay, well, that’s something, at least.”

Julien nodded and then gestured to the brown bag. “You brought dinner?”

Priest opened it up and pulled out one of the little white Chinese containers. “I did, yes,” he said, as he handed it to Julien and then fished around inside the bag for some chopsticks. “I have some for Robbie and Vanessa too, if they’re hungry.”

“You didn’t have to do that.” At Robbie’s voice, both of them turned to see him standing with his hands jammed in his skinny jeans, his hair mussed from worried hands, dark circles under his eyes, and a swollen lip from the night before.

He looked tired, but so adorable, and Priest had to fight the instinct to go to him, pull him down on his lap, and hug him.

Julien handed the food container back to Priest and got to his feet, and then he walked around to Robbie and touched a hand to his arm. “How are you, princesse?”

Robbie gave a little shrug. “I’m okay. Nonna’s finally had all her tests and they made her comfortable enough to sleep. I called my mom, and she’s driving up first thing tomorrow, and Vanessa went home to change for work. She has her final week of night shifts at 7-Eleven. I already called Bianca to take my shift at the bar tonight and…” Robbie frowned. “I feel like I’m forgetting something.”

“Food and rest,” Priest said, as he got to his feet and came over. “You both need food and rest.”

Robbie let out a deep sigh and rubbed his hands over his face, and then looked to Julien. “You didn’t have to stay today.”

“Si, I did.”

“Thank you,” Robbie said, and then looked to Priest. “And thank you for the food. I really should go home, but…”

When Robbie lowered his eyes, Priest gently said, “But what, Robert?”

Robbie raised his head and looked at the two of them. “I don’t really want to go back there right now, you know? Can I…can I come home with you?”