As he shouted out his release, Robbie’s ass tightened around the cock that had claimed it, and he saw Julien’s eyes shift to Priest. Forceful fingers dug into Robbie’s hips as Priest lodged his cock deep and hard, and he roared with the satisfaction of a fucking lion.

Never could Robbie have guessed how he’d feel in that moment, because he didn’t quite believe it himself. But as he knelt there between two men he never could’ve imagined himself between, he felt as though he’d finally found home.

Chapter Nineteen


Cucumbers should only ever be eaten.

The end.

A QUIET TAP tap tap had Robbie’s eyes opening hours later to a room awash in soft city lights. He stretched under the sheets that were drawn up over his hips, and as he did, he felt an arm wrap around his waist and a warm body mold itself along his back.

“Mmm, you smell good, princesse. Like…us.”

Julien. Robbie couldn’t help the lazy smile that stretched across his lips, as he leaned into the solid wall of muscle behind him, his tender ass nestling into Julien’s groin. His body felt lethargic, relaxed, and well used. In short, he’d never felt more satisfied in his life.

Again the quiet tap tap tap caught Robbie’s attention, and when his eyes adjusted, he spotted Priest over in a far corner at a small desk with earbuds in, a lamp switched on, and his laptop open in front of him.

“He doesn’t sleep well,” Julien said.

Robbie tensed a little in his arms. “Always?” he asked, because the one other time he’d stayed over, Priest had also been awake and dressed when Robbie had woken.

Is it because I’m here? Did he want me to go?

“Always,” Julien said, and Robbie immediately relaxed. “He never sleeps well, so he works.”

Robbie frowned as he settled again in Julien’s arms. “Why doesn’t he sleep well? Insomnia?”

“That’s a question for him,” Julien said, as his lips ghosted along the back of Robbie’s neck. “But you should ask him one day. He’ll tell you.”

Robbie wasn’t so sure about that. No matter how close the three of them had gotten last night, there was still something about Priest that made him wary. That had him on guard. More so than with Julien, who was so easy to be with, so easy to talk to.

“I don’t know,” Robbie said, and glanced back at Julien. “He’s so…different to anyone I’ve met before. I don’t know how to talk to someone like him.”

Julien’s eyes smiled along with his mouth, as he brushed a kiss across Robbie’s lips. “You’re doing just fine, trust me. He is different, and there are reasons for that, but, Robbie?”


“You will never find another person who cares more than Priest. If there’s someone he can help, someone he can make a difference for, he’ll do it. He’s not easy to understand, that’s true. But once you do, you’ll wonder why it took you so long.”

The love in Julien’s words was so apparent that it made Robbie’s eyes mist over. It was beautiful.

“Sometimes,” Julien said, and then grinned, “you’ll find him over there working. And other times, he’ll be in watching his fish.”

“Really?” Robbie said with a laugh.

“Oui. I think he secretly talks to them. They help him unwind.”

Robbie shook his head as he looked back to Priest, who was frowning at his computer screen. “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: he is a strange, strange man.”

The hand on Robbie’s waist tugged him back, tucking him in closer to Julien’s body. “He is, but in the best ways imaginable, wouldn’t you agree?”

Robbie snorted softly. “I don’t know about that.”

“Now, now, no need for pretenses, princesse. Your ass is cradling my cock and my hand can feel yours stiffening. You can admit it, you like him,” Julien said, and nuzzled into Robbie’s ear, making him shiver.

“I do,” Robbie heard himself say, and caught his own surprise at the two words.

“You sound just like me when I realized the same thing. But it sneaks up on you. Priest has this innate ability to make you forget everything bad when he’s around. He takes control. He lifts the burden and worry from you and allows you to just be. He makes you feel safe because he’s always rock steady. And that’s a truly powerful gift.”

A long silence passed between them, save the tap tap tap, and then Robbie whispered, “Is that what happened with you?”

Julien nodded. “You were right the other night when you said he saved me. I was lost that day, and many days before that, and he found me just in time…”

As Julien’s words trailed off, Robbie let them go. Whatever Julien was speaking of, it was obviously intensely personal, and though Robbie was lying naked in the man’s arms, he wasn’t sure it was his place to ask more. It did, however, have him wondering why Priest was the way he was. What made a man so different to those around him? So closed off at times? Vaultlike. Julien had told him to ask, but Robbie wasn’t sure he’d ever have the nerve.