Robbie’s eyes were fastened to Priest’s, and they were so dark they looked black as his entire body shuddered under the assault Julien was unleashing on him.
Priest licked his lower lip and said, “How badly do you want to say something right now?”
Robbie’s eyes narrowed, and apparently Julien decided to do something particularly inspired with his tongue and finger then, because Robbie dragged the cloth right up to his mouth and bit down on it, making Priest let go of his cock and put his palms flat on the table.
He leaned down until his face was at the same level as Robbie’s. “You want something to bite, do you?”
The heavy table scraped on the hardwood floor and shifted a fraction, and Priest realized Robbie had just shoved forward on his toes trying to get closer to him. Julien shifted too, and his eyes rose past Robbie’s hip and connected with Priest’s, and the swollen lips and wild look on his face told Priest that Julien was ready for more.
Priest gave a slight nod, and then Julien got to his feet, smoothing his hands up Robbie’s sides. With one hand, Julien then gripped the base of his cock and began to tease the head of it over Robbie’s hole, and with the other, he picked up the bottle of lube.
Robbie’s eyes slammed shut, and he moaned and pushed back on Julien, making it clear what he wanted, but Priest needed those eyes open—he wanted to watch Robbie fly apart when Julien took him. So he slapped the table, and in an instant, Robbie’s eyes snapped open and locked on Priest’s.
As they did, Julien pushed his lubed fingers inside Robbie, and after a couple of well-placed thrusts, Julien removed his hand, grabbed Robbie’s shoulder, and replaced his fingers with his cock, tunneling inside him as he hauled Robbie upright against him.
A shout of sublime pleasure left Robbie, and the tablecloth went right along with him, lifting up off the table, as Julien pulled out and then powered in again.
“Putain, princesse. Tu es si étroit et chaud. Tu épouses ma queue comme un gant.”
Robbie was biting down on his lip to the point it’d be bruised tomorrow, and one of his hands was gripping the tablecloth against Julien’s thigh as the other now frantically worked his dick.
Priest loved that it was upright and leaking all over. It appeared that Robbie had been telling the truth about that. He did love a good fucking, and thank God, because he was about to get one.
Priest stepped around from the end of the table, no longer content to be an observer, and both Robbie and Julien’s eyes latched on to him as he prowled toward them and then shoved the table to the side, making it scrape along the floor as it slid out of his way.
A gasp came from Robbie at the savage move, but he didn’t look away as Priest walked right up to him, took the back of his neck, and then finally crushed his mouth down on top of Robbie’s in their first kiss.
Robbie’s hands came up to Priest’s arms, and as he clutched them tight enough to leave bruises, Julien entered him with enough force that Robbie’s entire front came into direct contact with Priest’s.
Their tongues tangled around each other, and Robbie cried out and moaned as Priest angled his head for a deeper, more thorough taste, swallowing his gasps as he took the weight of Robbie’s body every time Julien powered into him, propelling Robbie further into Priest’s arms.
The sounds that left Robbie were desperate and needy, and had Priest reaching down to take his erection in hand, and when he had a good hold of Robbie’s cock, he growled against his mouth, “You want something to bite? Bite me, sweetheart.”
Robbie’s eyes ignited, and his breath came in heavy pants, and then Julien put his mouth by his ear and said, “Do it hard, princesse. For all the times he’s ever pissed you off.”
Priest grunted and then crushed his mouth down on top of Robbie’s again, thrusting his tongue between his lips as Julien began to move in and out of him. Robbie slid his hands up to Priest’s face, pulling him even closer, and that was when he did it.
As Julien shoved into him, and Robbie’s body surged forward, Robbie sank his teeth down into Priest’s lip so hard that Priest winced and grabbed hold of Robbie’s chin to tear his mouth free.
A feral sound rumbled out of Priest as his eyes shifted to Julien, whose hips now slowed to a stop. Robbie’s eyes were wide and frenzied, and Priest licked his lip, tasting blood there. “How long have you wanted to do that, I wonder. I think you just earned your voice back.”
“Fuck,” Robbie said on a rush of breath. “God… Priest, make Julien move.”