Robbie stood in nothing but a thin black scrap of material that was straining over his erection. His hands were balled into fists by his side, as though he were fighting the urge to stroke himself, and his breathing was coming in more rapid bursts the longer Priest looked at him.

Priest pushed his chair back from the end of the table, leaving enough space for a person to stand between him and it, and then gestured that Robbie should fill that space.

Without taking his eyes off Priest’s, Robbie walked to the spot that had been indicated, and Priest said, “Turn around and face Julien.”

At the order, Robbie’s eyes widened, as he seemed to realize that would mean turning his back on Priest. But then he slowly pivoted so he was looking up the dining table, that was now devoid of everything bar the tablecloth, two condoms, and a bottle of lube, and was staring at Julien, who was standing at the other end completely naked, with his beautiful cock in hand.

“Oh shit,” Robbie whispered, as Priest got to his feet.

“What did I say about talking?” Priest said, and Robbie’s entire body trembled at his question, making Priest’s cock harden, demanding it be freed from the pants he’d shoved it into after his bath.

“You said not to, but—” Robbie’s words cut off when Priest moved in close enough that the outline of his erection was pressed against Robbie’s bare ass cheeks.

“But what? I said not to, and you disobeyed.” Priest ran his finger up and down the thin strip covering Robbie’s hole, making him whimper. “Time to learn what happens when you do that. Bend over and brace your hands on the table, Robert.”

At Priest’s order, Julien pumped his cock up and down, and Robbie, ever so slowly, bent over as instructed. When he was in place, Priest put a hand on his lower back and then smoothed it over one of his creamy cheeks, and Robbie dropped his head forward and pushed his ass up a little higher.

“I am loving your penchant for skimpy underwear, Robert. This thong is particularly arousing. Spread your legs,” Priest said, his voice gruff, his arousal like a beast clawing at him to get free and attack that which was in front of him, and once Robbie had widened his stance, Priest slowly raised his hand, and then landed a cracking smack on his ass.

Robbie cursed, the blow smarting enough to have him glaring back at Priest.

“I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

“Fuck y—” The second smack had Robbie gripping the tablecloth and Priest looking up to meet Julien’s eyes, and the lust swirling there told Priest that the second this flimsy material was removed from Robbie’s body, things were going to get fucking crazy.

“From here on out,” Priest said as he ran his palm up Robbie’s back, “if you misbehave or mouth off to me, I’m going to take your pants off and smack your very fine little ass wherever we may be. Do you understand?”

Priest trailed his fingers back down Robbie’s spine, and then slipped one under the material dividing his ass.

“Yes,” Robbie said, panting, and Priest began to run his finger up and down, tugging on the strip, causing the front of the material to massage against Robbie’s erection.

Robbie rocked back toward him, trying to get closer, trying to get more of anything to relieve his ache, but that wasn’t about to happen. Not just yet.

Priest removed his finger and fitted his covered cock back against Robbie, who made a mewling sound of pleasure. Robbie’s fingers flexed around the tablecloth as Priest crowded down over him, aligning his stomach, abdomen, and chest along Robbie’s naked back, and when he was in place, Priest wrapped an arm around Robbie to tilt his chin up so he was looking directly at Julien.

“Do you remember our date last week?” Priest said. “I believe Julien told you one of his favorite things to do. Do you remember what it was?”

Robbie squirmed in response, letting Priest know Robbie was more than aware of what he was speaking of.

“Yes? Good. Because I’m going to drag this tiny little thong off your ass, and then he’s going to come over here, eat you for dessert, and then fuck you so this tight little hole is ready for what I’m going to give it.”

Julien cursed as he punched his hips forward in eager agreement with Priest’s words, and Robbie moaned.

Priest then let Robbie go and moved back from his body. He ran his palms over the soft, pale skin of Robbie’s sides until he hooked his fingers in the elastic at his hips and then dragged it over his ass, down his legs, and to his ankles.

When Priest was kneeling on the floor at Robbie’s feet, he said, “Lift,” and tapped Robbie’s right leg, and Robbie obeyed. Fuck, Priest needed to get his hands off Robbie now, before he took him with no preparation at all. He glanced up at the picture before him. A fully naked Robbie, who was bent at the waist with his hands planted firmly on their dining room table—and he looked fucking delectable.